He made his way to the counter and sat firmly on one of the empty bar stools, clamping his hands together and resting them on the cool surface of the counter. Kate was the only waitress who was stood behind the counter, the others were either serving tables or helping Agnes in the kitchen; she had been so distracted with taking in this man that she had forgotten it was her job to serve him. All she could do was stare at his figure, completely covered in leather; she had a thing for guys in leather. And even though she was sure she was imagining it; she was certain that under the light of the diner there was a shiny tint of metal poking through; as if he was carrying weapons. But that wasn't possible, who would bring knives to a donut shop? Just when Kate was sure that she was ready to go into waitress mode and smile fondly at the customer, he lifted his head and she was certain that she forgot how to breathe.

She had never seen a man like this before. She was sure that a man like this didn't exist, at least not out of her head. But someone, somewhere had obviously heard her pleas for a man like this and had created him exactly as she had imagined him. His tanned skin matched perfectly with the dark leather that he was wearing and his hair was kept short; maybe it would have looked better longer but she wasn't going to criticise this good-looking man over his hair. Kate was mesmerised by how handsome he was, in a rugged sort of way and was so busy tracing her eyes over the scar that rested over his face; that she forgot she had a job to do. He smirked, obviously seeing the effect that he had on this waitress and cockily was proud of himself; he knew the effect that he had on everyone in the room. Kate didn't like the way he was smirking, as if he had won and she was the prey that had just been hunted; Kate was never the prey, she was always the hunter and quickly wiped her expression clean, holding up the jug of coffee.

"Coffee?" She asked and he nodded, the smirk slightly wavering as the handsome customer realised that he didn't quite have the effect over this waitress as he did with everyone else. He nodded, deciding not to talk to this woman, but wanting the coffee that she offered him and when she began pouring it, the rest of the diner continued with whatever they were doing before he entered.

This incredibly hot customer was not what Kate had been expecting when she started her shift, she definitely didn't think that she would serve two hot guys in leather that day. But this customer didn't have the same aura as the motorcycle gangster, he was different and somehow more mysterious. As interested as she was, she couldn't let him see that she was interested and decided to play off her interest in him. Little did she know that this man would become a regular customer and in doing so, would become a regular pain in the ass.

< March 2016 >

Kate and Diego had known each other for exactly three months, but their fondness of each other had not grown; in fact, it had taken the opposite effect. The two hated each other. Or so they thought they did. Agnes could see that what they thought was hatred was actually more complicated but didn't want to get on the bad side of either of them, and so left them to figure out their own feelings for each other. Tonight, was a regular occurrence for Griddy's Donuts as once again Diego had arrived at the shop with company. Whenever Kate was on shift, he had somehow found a date to bring with him and would spend the entire evening making out with her; just like the horny teenagers would, just to annoy the waitress. Kate hated it, every time he brought in a date, she knew how it was going to end and knew that she would have to watch the whole thing without making a fuss. It had been a horrible hour and a half since the couple had sat down, Kate was watching them from the comfort of the counter as she wiped the surface down; Agnes noticed that she had been doing the same spot for over ten minutes but decided not to say anything.

Diego wasn't enjoying the date, he never did, the only reason he did it was because he enjoyed seeing how pissed it made Kate. Every so often, he would look over at the counter to check that she was watching and when she was, he would kiss his date or feed her pieces of donut or whisper something that made her giggle loudly. Tonight, the diner was practically empty and they were the only customers left which meant that he was really putting on a show for his favourite waitress. Meanwhile, Kate's wipes were getting more aggressive as she watched the whole thing unfold, then when it was approaching a two-hour date, things got messy. Diego never wanted long-term with these dates, and only ever wanted to take them out once but the girls didn't know that when they agreed to go out. So, when he tried to end things, it always became messy.

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