oO Chapter 29 Oo

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"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, freezing halfway through braiding my hair.

"Hm? What is it?" Eren asked, looking up at me from my lap. He was lying down on me, messing with my phone and exploring my photos app. Ever since getting back yesterday, we'd just been hanging out in my room because I was way too tired to bother with socialising. Even if it's with my friends. 

"I completely forgot about Amelia!" I said hurriedly, tying up my braid halfway and gently pushing Eren off my lap. 

"Amelia?" Eren asked, confused, sitting up. "Oh, you mean that girl we captured. What about her?"

"We left her in the basement when we left, and I don't think anyone told her we're back." I said sheepishly. "She must be so scared."

"Ah." Eren said, shutting off my phone and setting it down on my nightstand. "Y'know, I haven't met her yet."

"Mmm, well..." I trailed off. "If it was safe enough for Taara and I to go see her, i'm sure it'll be fine for you too. Wanna come with me?"

"Eh, why not." Eren shrugged, standing up and stretching. I stood up as well, and glanced over at him. I was not prepared for what I saw. While he stretched, his shirt rode up slightly, exposing his midriff and my breath hitched in my throat. Heat rose up to my cheeks and I looked away.

"Shall we go?" I asked quickly.

"Sure, princess." Eren said, pressing a lazy kiss to my temple and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. It had only been a day since I'd had my near fatal encounter with the Beast titan, but even my oblivious ass noticed that Eren had been a little more clingy than usual. I mean, I wasn't complaining- I love having some kind of physical contact with him, but I was a little worried.

"Alrighty then!" I said, smiling. "Down to the basement we go."

"Ugh, I hate basements so much..." Eren groaned.

"That's understandable." I said, leaning into him as we walked. "You know, you don't have to go down there if you don't want to."

"I'm not scared, (y/n)." He said defensively. 

"I know, sweetheart." I smiled.

"Don't patronise me." Eren mumbled.

I chuckled in response. "You're so cute sometimes."

"I'm not cute."

"Oh, right. Sorry, my mistake. You're adorable."

"That's hardly any better."


oO timeskip Oo

"Uhh, hello?" I asked awkwardly, knocking on the basement door and opening it slowly. "Amelia?"

"Miss (y/n)!" Amelia exclaimed, jumping up and hugging me tightly. 

"Huh?!" I yelped in surprise, recoiling a little bit from the sudden contact. She's hugging me? Is she already that attached to me? I relaxed a little and patted her head sheepishly in return. Look, I might have constant physical contact with Eren, but coming from other people, it freaked me out a little bit.

"Miss Taara told me about what happened to you!" She said hurriedly. detaching herself from my torso. Ah, so Taara got to her already. Well, that's good then. "Are you okay? I can't believe mister Zeke tried to kill you like that!"

"Ehe, I'm fine, kiddo." I said, smiling at her. "I wasn't really hurt that much. Oh! By the way, I've brought someone new for you to meet."

Amelia cocked her head to one side like a curious puppy. "Hm? Oh! You mean that boy standing behind you? I hadn't noticed him..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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