oO Chapter 23 Oo

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(a/n: Happy birthday, Eren!)

"Hey guys, Eren's birthday is coming up soon, right?" I asked, tipping my head back to look at Taara and Sasha who were messing with Taara's phone on my bed.

"Yeah." Taara replied. "In two days."

"We should do something for him!" I exclaimed. 

"Oh! I know what we should do!" Sasha clapped, sitting up straight. "We should have a barbecue!" 

"Are you saying that because you want him to have fun or because you want food?" I deadpanned.

"...Both." Sasha smiled sheepishly.

I giggled. "Well, either way, it's a great idea! He'd love it!"

"So are we doing this as a surprise party, or like...?" Taara asked.

"Surprise party." I confirmed. 

"Okay, so here's our game plan." Sasha said. "(y/n), you get to keep him busy," She paused and winked, and I threw a pillow at her. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! But you get to keep him away from the courtyard, okay? Meanwhile the rest of us will get stuff ready!"

oO timeskip of two days Oo

"Hey, sweetheart!" I exclaimed cheerfully, walking up to Eren, who had just finished breakfast, and kissed his cheek. "Y'know, we don't really spend much time relaxing, just the two of us."

Eren chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Is that an invitation to relax today?"

"Yup." I smiled. "Do you accept my invitation?"

"Of course, princess."

"Perfect!" I said. "Come on! Off to my room we go!" I grabbed his hand and took off in  the direction of my room. "I wanna show you something!"

"Well, you're enthusiastic today." Eren noted. "Any particular reason?"

"Hm?" I froze, hoping he wouldn't notice. "What, I'm not allowed to be happy to spend time with my lovely boyfriend?"

"I didn't say that." Eren smiled sweetly.

"Good." I kicked my door open, being careful not to slam it too hard. "Now, I've shown you most of the stuff I can do on my phone, but I haven't shown you everything, sweetheart."

"There's even more?" Eren asked, sitting down on my bed.

"Yup." I said, sitting down next to him, retrieving my phone from my bedside table. "I've explained what an anime is before, right?"


"Okay, good, I wanted to show you one of my favourite animes." I smiled. "My Hero Academia. Normally, I wouldn't be able to access any anime here, since I don't have internet, but lucky for us, I have the entire first to fourth seasons downloaded. So you might wanna get comfortable, sweetie, because we're gonna be here for a while."

oO timeskip Oo

Five and half hours later, we'd finished the entire first season of MHA.

"So? What'd you think of it?" I asked.

"It's pretty good." Eren answered. 

"I'm glad you think so." I smiled. "I think we should go outside now, sweetheart. We've been in here for like, five hours."

"But, I wanna watch the next season."

"Take it in moderation, Eren." I said. "Don't watch the entire thing all at once. You won't remember the details afterwards. Or at least, that's what it's like for me."

Weird! // Eren Jaeger x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now