oO Chapter 1 Oo

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(a/n) So, this is the official start of the story, and both the protagonist and Taara are 10 years old, just so that it matches up with the timeline of AOT.

I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen, impatiently waiting for the popcorn to be ready. Our parents had gone out for tonight, so Taara (my twin sister), and I decided to take advantage of that fact and watch our favourite anime, Attack on Titan, in the living room rather than in our shared room.

"(y/n)! Is the popcorn ready yet?!" Taara called out from the living room, "I've got everything set up!"

"Yeah, just gimme a minute!" 

I grabbed a large bowl and dumped the popcorn into it unceremoniously, and rushed into the living room, taking care not to spill anything. I switched the lights off and settled down on the sofa beside Taara. 

"I am here! And so is the popcorn." I exclaimed dramatically, imitating All Might.

"Wrong anime, bro." She laughed.

"Yeah, I know." I said playfully, "Just couldn't pass up the opportunity. Anyway, play the show!"

Taara nodded and pressed the play button on the remote, visually getting excited as the theme song started up. 


The theme song was abruptly cut off by static and I groaned in annoyance and confusion.

"What the hell?" I said loudly, "We're on Crunchyroll, we shouldn't even have static!"

I took the remote from Taara and attempted to turn the TV off and on again. 

"The remote isn't working." I mumbled, holding it up. Taara took it back, and tried the same thing, but to no avail.

"Did it run out of battery or something?" She asked, gently hitting the remote to try make it work again.

"We literally just replaced it yesterday."

I got up sulkily from the sofa to turn off the TV manually, but that didn't work either, and surprisingly, neither did unplugging it. I exhaled sharply and glanced back to Taara, who hadn't noticed that the TV was unplugged and yet still running. 


"Yeah, what is it?"

"The TV hasn't stopped."

"I can see that." She deadpanned.

"I unplugged it. It hasn't stopped."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "If this is a joke-"

"It's not" I cut her off, holding up the wire. Her eyes widened, and she got up from the sofa to come see for herself.

"Wait, how-"

She was cut off again by the screen turning completely black, and then showing a picture of an unfamiliar field.

"What the heck?" I whispered, starting to get uneasy. I looked over at Taara to make sure I wasn't going crazy, but she seemed to be seeing the same thing, judging by the look on her face. I reached out to touch the TV screen, and much to my horror, my hand just went through. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!" She shouted, stumbling backwards. My breathing hitched as I attempted to pull my hand out. It seemed okay, but I wish the same could be said about my mind. Anxiety had my mind swirling and I was totally freaking out at this point.

"Holy  Hera-" I breathed out. I tried to touch the screen again, and the same thing happened. "Taara, are you seeing this?!"


Weird! // Eren Jaeger x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now