oO Chapter 11 Oo

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"I see...so you believe that basement room will give you all the answers...?" Commander Pixis asked. We were currently on top of Wall Rose, having a little chat with the commander. There weren't any guards or anything, so it was just us. I was standing next to Eren. After the harrowing ordeal we'd just been put through at the hands of the bitch commander, I wanted to be as close to him as possible, to make sure he was okay. Again, I knew it was silly since he's fine, but I still couldn't help it. I had to fight back the urge to take his hand in mine, but I knew this wasn't the time for that.

"Yes...can you believe me, sir?" Eren said.

"Even you yourself don't have convincing proof...so, I think I'll just keep it filed away in my head for now." Commander Pixis replied, turning to face us. "Still...I expect I'll be able to get to the bottom of it, by and by. 'Til then, I'll personally guarantee your safety. Trainee Armin...is it?"

Armin snapped to attention and saluted. "Yes sir!"

"Earlier, you mentioned that if we used the 'titan's power' or what have you, it would be possible to recapture this town, Trost district...Do you really believe that? Or were you just desperate to stay alive?"

"It was..." Armin paused for a moment. "Both, sir. What I tried to say then is that Eren could turn into a titan, carry that boulder over to the destroyed gate, and plug it up. It's just a thought that occurred to me...but I was hoping that the commander would at least sense the possibility that the power Eren possesses could help get us out of our current predicament. Of course, I was also desperate to save our own lives..."

Commander Pixis nodded and turned his attention to Eren. "Trainee Eren...Can you plug up that hole?"

"I'll seal it off, sir...no matter what." Eren said, looking determined.

"Well said! You're a real man!" Commander Pixis exclaimed, his serious demeanour melting away. "WHERE'S MY COUNCIL?! LET'S WORK OUT A STRATEGY!" He shouted to the bottom of the wall, waving.

"Wha-But...Right now?!" Armin was on the verge of panicking. "It was just an idealistic notion I had! He means to carry it out now?!"

"I thought the same thing, but before we actually do go ahead with the plan, there's a more fundamental problem. Commander Pixis sees the situation correctly. The titans aren't our only enemy..."

"What...?" Armin looked confused, but at least he wasn't panicking anymore.

"Every moment counts here..." Commander Pixis turned to us, smiling. "You're going to be heroes, young soldiers."

oO timeskip Oo

"We're told that before titans took over the land, humans were always killing each other over tribal disputes and ideologies. Back then, someone supposedly said that if a powerful non-human enemy appeared, humanity would probably stop fighting and unite itself. What's your opinion, children?" Commander Pixis asked. We were walking along the edge of the wall, but it was only the commander, Eren and I. Taara, Armin and Mikasa had been sent back to their posts, but I refused to leave Eren's side, and the commander saw no harm in letting just one of us stay. Just before she left, I pulled aside Taara and asked her to keep an eye on Marco. If I had the timeline of this event right, this was when he was meant to die. She nodded and smiled.

"I've never heard that legend..."Eren started. "But...I think it's pretty rosy. Quite frankly, it's dull."

Commander Pixis chuckled. "And you?" He asked, referring to me.

"With all due respect," I said. "I think this person was just spouting trash out of their mouth trying to say something deep to sound clever."

The commander openly laughed this time. "You two's personalities are as twisted as mine."

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