oO Chapter 27 Oo

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"TAARA!" I yelled, running down the basement stairs at top speed, even skipping a couple of steps here and there.

"Taara!" I panted, leaning against the doorframe. "We gotta go! We gotta go now!"

"Huh?" Taara asked, confused, looking up from the book she was showing Amelia, who was still tied up to a chair. "Why? What's happening?"

Amelia's expression immediately changed from one of soft happiness to one of horror. "They're here, aren't they?" She breathed quietly. "They've come for us..."

"Well, they're not getting us." I said, catching my breath. "Taara, we gotta gear up and go. Titans are coming this way. I think that monkey bitch decided to pay us a visit."

Taara groaned and stood up. "Seriously? I thought we stopped that!"

"Apparently we didn't..." I sighed. "Either way, they're coming and we have to go." I paused briefly, noticing the fear on Amelia's face. I bit my lip, debating whether or not we should bring her with us. "Listen, Amelia. I'm gonna untie you, in case worst comes to worst and you need to run. But, until and unless your life is in immediate danger, you're to stay here, understand?"

Amelia nodded quickly and breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Don't betray us." I murmured, kneeling down to undo her bonds. "I really don't wanna hurt you, Amelia. I think you're trustworthy, despite what everyone else thinks. Don't prove me wrong."

"I won't, miss (y/n)." She said, her voice trembling like she was trying to hold back tears. "I promise."

"Good girl." I smiled, patting her head softly. "We'll be back later."

oO timeskip Oo

"(y/n)! Taara!" Levi exclaimed, getting our attention right before we were about to leave with the rest of Squad Levi to get to the titans. "I need you to explain just what we're up against, and how they got in."

"Yes, sir." Taara said, stepping forward. "The details are a little fuzzy, but long story short, the Beast titan is within the Walls. There's no hole in the Wall, he simply climbed over it...I think. However he got in, the Walls are intact. He has the ability to turn people into titans once they've ingested his spinal fluid."

"Wh-what?" Eren said, visibly horrified. 

"Listen, I know it sounds bad, but we can beat him!" I exclaimed, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "He's not invincible!"

"Alright." Levi said, addressing the entire squad. "Listen up! Our top priority right now is evacuation! Get everyone out, and then focus on killing the titans! Got it?!"

"Yes, sir!"

oO timeskip Oo

"I think that's the last of them." I panted, watching the last carts leave the area. We'd evacuated everyone in the surrounding villages. Connie's village was unharmed and intact, along with its people, confirming that the Beast titan had targeted another village.

"Okay..." Taara said, out of breath. "Now let's get rid of all these titans. And, hopefully get rid of that overgrown ape."

I laughed dryly. "Sounds like a plan."

I launched into battle immediately, slashing titan napes left, right and centre. It was extremely tiring, but slowly, we were making progress in exterminating them. I thought we had a solid chance of ending things pretty soon...until I saw a titan grab Taara.

"TAARA!" I screamed, whizzing through the battlefield as fast as ODM gear could take me, immediately killing the titan that had her in it's grip. Luckily, all her limbs were attached to her body, but she was obviously injured. Her ankle bent in an unnatural way, which was probably the result of her still being in the titan's clutches when it fell dead to the ground. And, on top of that, she had cuts and bruises everywhere. Her clothes were torn and bloodied, making her injuries seem worse than they actually were, which didn't exactly help my state of mind.

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