oO Chapter 8 Oo

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The battle had been raging for quite a while now. I'd stuck close to Marco the entire time, not letting him out of my sight for a second. We'd killed about...I don't know how many titans, honestly... A lot, in any case. Our gas tanks were starting to run low, abut the problem was, at some point in this fight, the titans had taken over the supply room. 

We were with Jean, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, Berthholdt, Annie, Taara, some other people I didn't know and Armin, who was leaning against a wall looking depressed. Hang on a moment, hadn't he been assigned to Eren's squad? Oh wait...This is when Eren transforms for the first time, isn't it?

I walked over to him and knelt down. Taara was next to him, with her hand on his shoulder, trying to make him feel better.

"Hey, Armin..." I said softly. He looked up with tears in his eyes.

"(y- (y/n). I-"

"It's okay, I know what happened." I said, smiling. "He isn't dead, so stop looking so sad."

"W-what? But I saw him get eaten right in front of me?" Armin looked extremely confused.

"I..." I wasn't sure how to explain it right now, in a way that he'd believe me. "You'll see. He's alive."

"SHIT!" Someone yelled. "What do we do?!"

"There isn't anything to do." Jean said, looking dejected. "The order to evacuate finally came...But we're out of gas and unable to climb the wall. I guess we're all dead...Thanks to those cowards! I can understand their feelings...That they lost the will to fight....But they shouldn't have abandoned their supply mission holed up inside HQ! The titans are gathering, so we can't get over there to replenish our gas!"

"Okay then!" Connie exclaimed. "The only thing we can do is risk it all to kill the swarming titans over there! The results gonna be the same if we just sit around here! The titans will be all over us here too! And if we keep trying to pointlessly escape, it'll just waste the last bit of gas we do have! Once our mobility is totally gone, then it really is all over!"

"You're using your head for once, Connie..." Jean murmured, not looking up. "But do you really think we could take them on with this many troops? Most of the advance guard has been wiped out...Who among us in the training corps can take command of a desperate operation like that. Well...I guess that doesn't matter, since even with a leader, we wouldn't be able to do anything against the titans...I bet there are 3-4 meter tall titans in the supply room, too. It'd be impossible to move around in those conditions."

"..." Connie looked defeated. "No way. You think...?"

Jean sighed. "It was a boring life...I guess if it's gonna end like this ...I might as well say..."

"Let's do it!" Sasha shouted, trying to motivate everyone. "Everyone! Come on! On your feet! If everybody works together, I'm sure we'll make it! I'll take Vanguard! E-everyone..." She seemed to be slowly losing her excitement.

"Armin! Help me fire everyone up!" She said, bending down in front of him.

I sighed and leaned against the wall next to Armin. "Wow, you guys are depressing..."

There was a loud thud on the rooftop and I looked up to find Mikasa walking towards Annie.

"Mikasa?!" Sasha exclaimed. "Weren't you with the rear-guard?!"

Mikasa ignored her. "Annie! I think I have a grasp of the situation, and I apologise for bringing my personal feelings into this...But, have you seen Eren's squad?"

"No, but some squads made it over the wall..." Annie replied.

"Now that you mention it, Armin there was from the same squad." Reiner said.

Weird! // Eren Jaeger x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora