oO Chapter 4 Oo

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Today is the day we test our aptitude for ODM gear. Really, the only person I was worried for was myself. I know that everyone else gets by just fine, and Taara is already pretty sporty, so she should ace this. I, on the other hand, am not. My talents always lied more in the academic and creative side, so I never paid much attention to PE. Wow, was I an idiot for not taking it seriously.

As I watched the others take their tests, my own anxiety only grew. Taara, of course, was killing it, and so were Mikasa and Sasha. They weren't even shaking a little bit. Connie and Jean were also doing well, shaking a little bit here and there. There was so much that could go wrong here. I could hurt myself, or even worse, I might embarrass myself in front of Eren! I would never ever recover from that, oh gods. 

Apparently my inner turmoil was visible on my face because Eren waved a hand in my face.

"(n/n)? Are you okay?"

I snapped out of it and looked at him. "Y- Yeah, i'm fine." I smiled nervously.

"Are you nervous?" 

I sighed. "Yeah..."

He took my hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly. "Don't worry, you'll do fine." He smiled. I took a deep breath and squeezed back. 


"No problem." He moved to stand by my side, not in front of me, but didn't drop my hand. And I was fine with that.

"(Y/N) (L/N)!  YOU'RE UP!" Shadis shouted.

I let go of Eren's hand reluctantly and walked up to the large wooden contraption Shadis was standing in front of. I allowed another soldier to hook me up to the wires and gulped as he lifted them up. 

To my utter joy, I was able to keep myself upright...but I was extremely shaky. I definitely needed practice, and a lot of it. I mean, I'd pass, most likely, but I needed to get a whole lot better before I could fight any titans.

As soon as they let me down, I ran back to Eren.

"I did it! I was extremely shaky, but I still did it!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, I saw that." Eren chuckled. "We could train together later, if you want to? Just us? I could help you out."

"Sure thing." My face heated up at the thought of spending time alone with Eren.

"EREN JAEGER! YOUR TURN!" Shadis yelled. 

"Good luck!" I whispered as he walked by. He smiled at me in response. 

They hooked him up to the wires, and everything was great until they lifted him up in the air. He couldn't keep himself upright at all.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, JAEGER?! STRAIGHTEN YOURSELF UP!" Shadis shouted. I should have seen this coming. Gods, I'm an idiot, why didn't I point it out sooner. Well, to be fair, it has been about two years since I saw any of this.

"Uh...Sir?" I spoke up, trying not to draw too much attention to myself. Shadis turned to look at me and glared.


"I...I think his gear might be broken." I said nervously, wanting nothing more than to hide from all the people looking at me.


"N-No, sir! It's just...Eren's extremely athletic, so it doesn't make any sense that he can't do it." I said. "Can he please try again with fresh gear?"

Shadis glared daggers at me, but now that i'd made the request in front of people, he couldn't very well say no.


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