Chapter136: We're going on trip

Start from the beginning

Before they could go back down the steps, The dark lord walked in front of them. Blocking their path so they couldn't Leave. "You're not going anyway until you tell me what you two are up to," Garmadon said, crossing his arms. Cloud groaned they didn't have time for this.

Silence went on for a few minutes, before Cloud sighs: "Fine, we think we know something that could tell us where Harumi is" she explained. The Oni lord almost looked shocked, as Cloud started to explain what they were planning to do, however Garmadon had a question.

"That island is dangerous Not to mention Zephyr, his friends, and who knows what else is on that island..." he pauses and looks at the sky "And you two plan to go alone, back to that dangerous island" He asked.

Cloud and nix looked at each other, he did have a point, that island was dangerous, who knows what else is there. Cloud sighs as she sees the moon has started down from its peak and coming down. "We don't have much time, we need to go"" Nix cuts her from her thoughts

Cloud nodded, they were gonna be rushing in and could possibly get caught but, it's nothing Harumi wouldn't do for them. "Garmadon, You can come with us. We Could use some help, especially if we run into trouble".

The oni nodded, as The three started their way down the stairs and into the dark hallway, where it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Cloud led the boys to a door, and both were confused, until Cloud Using a spare key, unlocked the door, and they got to see what's inside the room.

Garamdon, and nix, saw it looked like a workshop, with Blueprints littered everywhere, and plans for weapons were around, the materials were scattered all around. "Woah what is this"
Cloud heard the husky ask, The puppy smiled, and replied: "This is rumi's secret workshop"

The husky raised an eyebrow, and followed her as she headed towards a control panel, Cloud stretches as she hears Nix give a retort: "When did Harumi have the time to build all this?" he asked. Cloud turned sad, as she tells him: "It was during a sad period of harumi's life"

The puppy went and started to flick some switches, as she said. "It was back when Harumi believed everyone hated her, and thought she was a traitor" She jumps up and pulls a cloth off of a large object in the far corner. "When Garmadon told a lie Lloyd believed"

Cloud looks away. "But it's all good now, Harumi no longer believes that, and Lloyd learned the truth, so it's all good now". As Cloud's back was turned, Nix saw something shiny under a cloth, intrigued he walked over, over the blueprints and stuff and hopped onto the counter.

He pulled off a Cloth revealing a golden sword, with a Green handle, with a golden Tassel, along with a green diamond near the edge but also in the middle of the sword. Nix looked over the sword, and saw writing on the sword but being an animal he couldn't read it at all.

He turned to cloud. "Cloud, whose sword is this?" He asked the puppy to turn and smiled. "Harumi made that sword for Lloyd, back when he wouldn't speak to her". She smiled brightly as she grabbed something off the counter.

"It was supposed to be a apology gift for him, Harumi tried making it the best she could because then hoped Lloyd would forgive her, and they could go back to normal" she explained
Nix looked over the sword. The handiwork was amazing, and highly detailed.

Nix watched as Cloud pushed a button with her nose, and mechanical noises were heard, along with gears shifting, as the vehicle shape was being brought down from a lift. Cloud smiles, as she walks over, nix looks at the sword. "When is she planning to give Lloyd the sword?" he asked.

Cloud pulls down another cover revealing a mini helicopter, she hoped inside and got her pilot goggles on. As she looked back at nix, "She hasn't gotten a chance, with everything going on lately im confident she will soon however" she said with a smile, as she made a motion for them to come in.

Garmadon hopped in, it was a little squished, but he managed to get somewhat comfortable. He looked at the clouds, as nix came inside. "Are you sure this is safe?" The puppy nodded, as she pushed a button making a little opening so they could leave.

"Yes, i'm sure it's Safe" they take off and Cloud looks out into the horizon. "Hang on harumi we're coming for you"
Hello, everyone Jdizzle here. I hope you enjoyed that chapter, Looks like The three are adventuring back to the island To Save harumi. Things are heating up and i'm so excited like i've been telling Lilla because these next Chapters are gonna be Pretty epic, and i hope you Guys are ready to find out why he needs Harumi, if you have any theories, or predictions leave them in the comments, By the time this chapter comes out, my school year has come to an end, and i'm on summer break! Wooooooooo so hyped. But anyways geez this is A/N is getting Long. I'll wrap it up. If you enjoyed Please leave a vote, and a comment with your predictions and I'll see you all In Two weeks, alright guys have a great day, or night I'll see you all later BYE! Jdizzle signing out Peace!

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