| Be careful with your words |

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A smile might be the key to a person's heart,
But his words are the key to his soul.
Words may keep two people together or tear them apart,
In our life they play an important role.

Words spoken to express or impress,
Have an effect of their own.
To our bare thoughts they are the dress,
When uttered true colours are shown.

They are the sword,
They are the medicine,
Sometimes with sugar sometimes with spice they are adorned,
Sometimes they are rocks sometimes sequin.

A broken heart a broken soul,
Words may bring.
Our social life they control,
They keep us together with the communication string.

So think well before you speak,
Because you have the power of words.
They can be tough, they can be sleek,
The person with the right words, had all the right cards.

Credits to mirabelle_lockhart18

Credits to mirabelle_lockhart18

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