THIRTEEN || The Anger Of A God

Start from the beginning

The doors flung open after she had pushed them too hard, not expecting them to be so light. A loud bang echoed through the large room as the doors hit the walls behind them, focusing everyone's attention on her. Though all the watchful eyes had sent a chill down her back, she tried her hardest to act as if they weren't there. Some of the gods were sitting in their thrones, waiting for the trial to start, others were conversing with those around them. Either way, it felt as if they were all watching her.

She spotted Hades immediately. He sat on his throne, watching her with an invisible smile tracing his lips. He was being watched just as much as she was, and could not be seen gleefully smiling at her, but still, it seemed to cheer her on as much as any other smile had. She walked straight towards his black obsidian throne, the sound of her clicking heels echoed through the hall.

When she neared him, he stood from his throne and offered his seat to her. She felt silly not to have wondered where she would be sitting, but it seemed Hades had already taken care of it. For a moment, the doubt sprung up once more, making her wonder if this was a political move. If he was making this gesture as a symbol of her power. To be allowed to sit on a major god's throne was to be portrayed as a major god. Sitting in one of the three King Brothers' thrones was unheard of and, to her knowledge, had never been done. If he had planned it, even she had to confess it was well done.

When she sat on his surprisingly comfortable throne, she looked up at him, thankful. In response, he only smiled down with pride, gleaming in his eyes. This was Hades. Not the one her doubt had made him out to be. He would have given his seat to her even if there was no one in the room to see. She knew she shouldn't have doubted him, for he would gladly give her his kingdom if it made her happy, let alone his seat, even if it meant giving up his own power. It was simply who he was and why she had fallen so madly in love with him.

He had always said it, but now she could see; they ruled as one, as equals.

"You are a natural. You look like you are out for blood. Everyone sees it," he whispered to her, so no one else would hear.

"That is why I am here, isn't it?" she replied. Her voice had come out rough, and with a bite, he did not deserve. He looked down at her, puzzled by her anger. He knew her as well as she knew herself, and he could see this was not an act.

He read her thoughts instantly, "Should I even ask how it went with your mother?"

"Pretty much how you would have expected it to go. Only much worse," she told him sarcastically. She was saddened at the thought of what her mother had told her. Softly, she whispered to him, unable to keep it inside, "She hates me." It took everything within her not to show emotion.

"Persephone-" Hades began, his voice soft. He was about to reason with her, to list reasons why her mother would always love her, and convince her there was still hope. Persephone could not stand to hear it. He had not seen her mother's anger.

"She tried to slap me," Persephone simply told him as the proof he needed.

His reaction was anything but simple. "WHAT!" he bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the hall and out into the corridor. The room fell quiet as Hades serged with anger. This time everyone did not simply turn, but they stopped what they were doing, all turning to see what would happen next. Whether Hades chose not to give them his attention or had not noticed, Persephone could not tell.

Without another word and without pausing to hear Persephone's explanation, Hades turned to leave. His heavy stride indeed was carrying him towards her mother. To her, there was no doubt that Hades was going to find her mother, and he was going to lock her in Tartarus for what she had done. He did not have to tell her, his face said it all.

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