Birthdays II

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"Y/N Y/N Y/N! Guess whose birthday it is?"

"I don't know, the cockroach I'm scared of that's been living in our apartment for a week?"

"Nope... and that cockroach has a name, hun."

"And that is?"


"You named a cockroach?" you deadpan.

"Yeah... it's been living with us for a week, I didn't want it to feel unincluded."

This is one of the times you wonder to yourself, how did I last five nights at Freddy's?

[A/N: C'mon, I was bound to make that joke at some point! If you laughed, my ego will be boosted. Wait for more, I definitely have a few more Freddy bits in my pocket. x]

"It's a cockroach, Fred. It probably doesn't even have a soul."

"Does too!"

[A/N: I've been studying Psychology for a month and I want to believe dualism can be applied to animals because I love them so much. With rats as the exemption. Rats are my biggest nightmare.]

"Anyways, back to the matter at hand, it's my birthday!" he cheered.

"Oh, great. Happy birthday babe." you reply, contrasting the amount of enthusiasm he had with your lackluster tone. You pulled the covers back over your shoulder and tried to go back to sleep.

"Hey, penny for my birthday energy?"

"I love you babe but we can celebrate your birthday after a few hours. You know, when it's not 12 in the morning and we've already gotten sleep?"

"You had sleep. We just woke up!"

"Um, no, you violently woke me out of the comfortable dreamland by jumping up and down the bed."

"This is going to be your life for a long time, better get used to it."

"Dear Lord, help me."

[A/N: Well, buckle up for the longest ride of your life.]

You spent the midnight talking and playing some video games at least until Fred's energy had dialed down, making you both hit the sack. You woke up a little later than usual and just lounged in your apartment. After a few hours, she did a gig coincidentally at the bar where you first met.

It felt strange and enchanting at the same time. Watching her up on stage from the audience, except things were totally different now than they were before.

You walk the streets after the gig and decide to go to the park nearby. Everyone sang her happy birthday and invited her to stay longer, drinks were even on the house, but she declined.

"I'd rather spend the rest of my birthday with you."

"I'm alright, you already spent the day with me. Go hang out with your sisters."

"Honestly, I'd rather go home. They're nice but I ain't staying here with their crazy ass drunk selves. Take one look away and when you look back at us, we're already dancing on the bar counter."

[A/N: Sounds like me and my friends. Except we're sober. We're just like that.]

You passed by a well and she excitedly dragged you over there.

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