The Fashion of His Love (Aquaria)

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[A/N: This song has been stuck in my head the whole day and I just had to write something about it. I thought the song fit well with the reader and Aquaria's storyline here so there ya go!

I'm also having a hard time writing preferences for some reason so please pray for moi. 🙏]

I never was the kind of girl
That's naturally sure when it comes to love, oh no
I was insecure, insecure

Upon laying eyes on him for the first time, you were convinced that Gio has left you captivated. It's not instantly love at first sight, no, but you were sure he left a mark on you and you wouldn't forget him. Ever.

You thought senseless about approaching him. Should you casually walk up to him and introduce yourself? He might think of you as odd. In fact, he might avoid you from then on and never talk to you again.

For a moment, you were sure you would just continue on watching him from afar. Admiring him without his knowledge.

When you first talked, it felt surreal. Like the main lead of a rom-com movie. This must be how the main characters feel, you thought.

You imagined a lot about how it would go, when it would happen, how it would happen, what you would say... but when it finally did happen, it broke all of your expectations.

It didn't go as bad as you expected, but also not as fairytale-like as you imagined. It was cute and in the purest form, authentic.

You felt like you were back to high school talking to your crush when you would hear him saying your name. Actually, it is kind of like that but it's college now so it's more mature, henny.

In relationships you've had, it gave you lots of anxiety. You thought maybe you just need to grow and you are not ready for it. You were insecure about potentially ruining something so beautiful.

But when it comes to you and me
I can't deny this feeling inside
Oh no, I never felt like this before
This before, no, no, no

When you did get to know him, it was nothing like having a simple crush. It was so much more, and so much better. You wanted to spend time with him everyday. You wanted to make him smile so you could see how he would scrunch up his face while doing so every hour of the day.

You didn't know if it was love or just heavy infatuation. You were never sure about the relationships you've been in. You don't even know what love is! You were sure though that if it isn't this, it's at least close to it.

And while you sorted out your feelings, you weren't sure about what he's feeling. You were not even sure if he likes you! At least not in the way you do.

So when he told you he liked you, you were elated, thrilled, exhilarated, delighted, ecstatic, blissed, in seventh heaven, honestly every joyous adjective in the English dictionary.

I'm seeing all the signs from above
I'm gonna be the one that he loves

Maybe you just crossed a risky bridge of going from friendship to courtship and dating, but the risk was worth taking. You were concerned for a minute because it might damage the friendship you already had, but you inexplicably knew that you were going to be in each other's lives 'til the end of time.

It seems like all the signs point to him, being with him feels so right. As if you were made to be with him. You're indifferent about soul mates but if they are real, you're sure he's yours.

I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
Oh yeah

It seems like you were born to love him. Of course, that's not your sole purpose in life, but it feels like everything that happened has lead you to being with him. It prepared you.

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