Valentine's Day

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[A/N: Belated Happy Valentine's everyoneee! I celebrated mine by singing a lotta love songs, watching a lotta rom-coms, and indulging myself in a lotta chocolates. Got no date, but have a lotta love in my heart. I'm also going to post the remaining queens in a separate part because I got too carried away and it ended up being so long sorry. x]


You came from celebrating her birthday and girl did you party hard. You were passed out by 4 in the morning. Actually, you didn't even know what the time was.

After that, he didn't contact you though. You tried texting and calling him but you would get left on read or sent to voicemail. You scoured your mind thinking what you did wrong, but then Gio's also such a workaholic and he's probably just busy. So you put it off.

Then came February 14th which is Valentine's day as we all know. You didn't know what to expect but knowing Giovanni, he probably has something extra af so you got yourself worked up.

Unfortunately, you didn't even get a hello from him. Nope, not even a "sorry I'm not free today". Not a three second voicemail. Not a call. Nothing.

Needless to say, you were UPSET. You spent most of Valentine's Day with your friends, who luckily didn't have dates too. Don't get me wrong, they are great company but you missed Gio. In fact, it's your first Valentine's as a couple. You were mad, but more on the sad scale. He should've called you, right? If he's busy with something or handling Aquaria stuff, you would've understand. You always do.

In the middle of the day, you found out through her stories that she went to drag brunch and you rolled your eyes. Didn't even say a word to me for the past two days.

[Don't idolize Aquaria here, kids.]

The sun was setting and you were with your friends when your phone rang and it showed his name.

"What now? Finally decided to make me feel your presence?" you greeted angrily.

"Hello? Y/N? It's me."

You were shocked to hear Jordan's voice, his best friend and absolute partner-in-crime. "Jordan? Sorry, Gio's just been annoying me."

"Uhh... he might annoy you more."

You rolled your eyes, "He can and has the guts to? What a friend you have."

"Y/N I'm sorry but he asked me to call you because he left his card in your place. We're at the mall and he forgot that it's there."

You scoffed, "He's asking for a favor now? He can't even say it to me himself! Sorry Jordan, but no. Tell Palandrani that he has some freaking balls."

"I'm saying sorry in behalf of him Y/N. Sorry babe." he said before ending the call.

After a few minutes, you decided to go home. Your friends are going to some fancy place but you honestly weren't in the mood after that.

 Your friends are going to some fancy place but you honestly weren't in the mood after that

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