Sick Days

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[A/N: Okay this is titled "Sick Days" but some aren't actually sick, just injured. Sorry for the kind-of-wattpad-type-of-clickbait. Onto the chapter!

On a sidenote, the last AS6 episode and lip sync was truly sickeninggg, mawma.]


[A/N: This turned out longer and more of a oneshot than the other ones eek but it's Aqua c'mon.]

She laughed her ass off. Then you laughed your ass off.

Okay, that's probably not the best way to start, so let's begin at the beginning where people typically begin, shall we?

[A/N: *enter jaida in the debate* c0nFuZioN]

It was a Saturday afternoon and you went with Aquaria to a mutual friend's birthday party where she was DJ-ing. While she was rocking it out at the makeshift stage you were holding a Summer cocktail, bobbing your head to the beat of Born This Way.

[A/N: Will I ever stop promoting Lady Gaga? Probably not. But to be fair, Aqua always having a Gaga song in her mix doesn't help.]

Eventually, you found close friends in the party and as the alcohol combined with the loud rhythm of the music and your friends' chatter, you started getting on the inventive dance floor of the big backyard and started dancing.

You were having the time of your life when you turned just in time for the music and then.. OOOOFF. Your ankle didn't agree with that.

[A/N: Too much Lady Gaga bops can do that. I speak from experience.]

You immediately stopped and hissed from the pain. Your friend sensed you having trouble so they helped you find an ice pack and a chair to sit on. Fortunately, there was a charmingly friendly doctor in that party and a first aid kit nearby so he wrapped your left ankle with a bandage.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver." you sigh after he finished securing the bandage.

"That's literally what I do for a living, you're welcome." he smiles, "Hey, when your ankle's not, you know, twisted, do you mind having coffee with-"

"Their boyfriend? Why, of course." Aquaria butts in, coming from nowhere. She sticks out her hand to the dismayed doc, "Aquaria. I was DJ-ing. Thanks for taking care of my partner."


The doctor grinned sheepishly, "My pleasure. I-uh, I'll leave you to it."

He walks away as Aqua turns her head to face you with a knowing smirk. You roll your eyes, "You enjoyed that, huh?"

"More than you think I did." she laughs, "I've been watching y'all flirt for five minutes but then I got bored and decided to break his unfortunate heart. Poor doc thought he had a shot with you. I pity him, really."

You scoff, "I didn't flirt."

"Oh sweet Y/N, you were. You just didn't realize it." she sits on the arm of the couch you're sitting on, "What happened with that anyway?"

"I dunno. I was just dancing then bam! Ankle twisted."

[A/N: *cue Alexis Mateo saying "BAM!" here*]

She starts to chuckle lightly, "So you sprained your ankle from dancing too much?"

"Yeah, I guess so." you utter and that's when she cackled. "You're making fun of meee!"

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