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[Before I go through the main reason why I'm publishing this, I want to tell you that I am thinking about adding a queen in this book. If you have any suggestions, kindly comment on here or my feed.

With all of that settled, let's get on to the serious and important stuff.

TW: Discussing racism, xenophobia. There are mentions of violence and death.]

Hey beautiful people!

I know it's kinda weird discussing this on a Drag fic book and I'm not one for author's note chapters, especially one as serious as this, but I just want to shed light on a subject.

I'm Asian and very damn proud of it.

The racism and xenophobia against Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been skyrocketting these past couple of days, actually since the pandemic began.

It didn't help with Mr. Cheeto—actually I don't want to insult Cheetos by comparing it to him, Cheetos are pretty good.

Donald Trump and other people have been referring to COVID-19 as "kung flu" and "Chinese virus".

The sad thing is, it has gone beyond casual slurs and went on to take lives of thousands of people.

I found out awhile ago about Angelo Quinto, a Filipino American who suffocated to death because of a police officer who kneeled on his neck.

He just wanted help, and thought he was going to get it.

This is not okay in any way. That doesn't make any sense and in no way is it justifiable. We live in a scary world where people can die for the pure reason of existing.

I am (thankfully) not living in America right now, but I got folks in there. And I worry for them. This whole thing has made me so upset.

So if you love Chinese food, if you love K-Pop, if you love K-Dramas, if you love Anime, love our people too and speak up.

'Cause it's not just AAPI against racism, 'cause it's not just us fighting. We can never win it by ourselves. It's important for you to do your research and stand up. Say something, do something. Speak now.

And while you're at it, remember that Black Lives Matter. You cannot fight racism with racism.

♡  Black + Brown + Asian Solidarity  ♡

Stop Asian Hate. Protect Asian Lives. Asians Are Not A Virus. Hate is a Virus. Stand for Asians.

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