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A letter to the invicible.

Dear To you,
           Who knows me so well. Who knows me so well.
I wish you knew, that I am well. And that everything that you foresaw, came true. That I would be once again under your light, basking. Hoping for a wing to sprout. Hoping for a peter pan to come. That I am once again trying to be a mermaid, once again trying to be Sailor Moon. Someone who jumps from roof to roof in the middle of the night with my best friend named Tomoyo capturing cards. That I again, wanted to be spirited away. Again, twirling on my newly bought dress that cause me to sprinkle pixie dust from my skirt.

          I was loved by the world created for me. And to you, who knows me so well. Who knows me so well. Told me that I just have to keep on dreaming. Is it alright for me to lock myself in my room during new years? Those were the first sign of Introversion which you told me about. And I broke the mirror that night and the next morning, I am sunbathing in 40 degrees celsius. You were right. This world really is created for me. Though thunder never came out of my hands. But you told me it's alright because it was A sunny day. It is rude to ruin such a good day by creating thunders.

        And you love me so well whom who knows me so well. You never talked to me after our last conversation. You told me these words that I do not understand and since that day, I miss you. And I miss my Mom. When are you coming back to talk to me again? I never saw your face. It's unfair that you turn off all the lights whenever you see me. And There was a one week worth of no lights because of the storm! I knew you were the one behind that. You talked to me a lot that week. You walked with me on the street for the first time. Why is it also a moonless night? I was hoping the moon would reflect your face but it didn't.

        I wish you'd see me again. You didn't told me it will take you long to come back. These days, I am wishing to the Moon to bring you back to me. Because I am scared that you might never. I left my phone number on the rooftop, The wind blew it away. But since you told me the world is also yours, I hoped that you took away my number using the breeze. I hope you call me, my Dearest You. Is You really your name? It sounds weird but I hope you come back to explain those hard words like "I love you a lot" I love you too! But why does it seems you sound lonely. Or your "You're precious". You are too, my you.

        All these days that I waited for you, gave me the feeling that you're my first love. So that's why stay forever and love me forever. Don't be sad anymore. I'll use the world that's ours to find you again. So if you don't come back tomorrow after you read this letter, I will find you. No matter how long.

By the way, I learned how to write letter at school today.

From your dearest friend that knows me so well,

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