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Confirmations and What it feels like.

What does it truly means to know that you're real?
Through touch?
Through sight?
Through what you made others feel?
What others made you feel?
Through your emotions?
Through what?
          How do you know, you're real?
   How do I know I'm real?
rather, where and when do I feel real?

                                                      how do I know?

I'm real when my cat looks at me.
Straight into my eyeballs in the middle of the night.
   When I stand on the stairs and stare into the nothingness as he blends together with it.

When I'm pretending I'm the only person alive, and he's there.
When he's curious about what's outside the window.
  When he loves me.

                 I'd believe anything my cat will say.

My dogs? Not so much. They're naive and cute and I love them the same.
But even when I'm not real—

my dogs would still follow me.
                But my cat, he knows.
What I am, What I do.
                Who I am.

Dogs don't really care as long as they love you.
And I'm only real when I'm at home, where they're at.

Where my cat stares into nothing.
when I stand on the stairs in the middle of the night,
                                          staring into nothing.
                                   Identification Confirmed—
                                                                  Severe Daydreaming.
                                                                                      Severe detachment from reality.
             Client's Name:
                                                                       Subject Paper Cigarettes
                                                               She think she's real.

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