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For the first time in a while, The world felt bigger more than I could ever grasp.
It felt smaller before, it felt suffocating, overwhelming.
But now there's peace, I finally understood that it's okay.

I stood barefooted on the veranda of our house.
Wearing a yellow shirt that certainly will reflect the color of the sun.
I stood and stare.
And I watch the world go dark.

I lowered my head to the table infront of me.
Feet shaking due to anxiety,
Pink swollen lines on my wrist,
Heart pumping.

I listen.
To Children singing and laughing in chorus.
Dog barking from the distant.
Noises that feels comforting,
There was anxiety and there was comfort, and my resolve.

The colorful hues that painted the dark clouds disappeared into the horizon.
Leaving the world blue and green.
And when I opened my eyes with the anticipation that I'll be fine,
I saw the moon from the distance.

Waxing Crescent.
A new cycle has started.
Was it also a new beginning for me?
In finding my peace.

The Silhouette of everything around me grew darker and darker.
I blended together with it, my cat blended with it.
I disappeared together with the sun.
And my half opened eyes, stood and stare.

With feet glued to the concrete of our veranda.
My wrist stings.
My feet calmed,
Heart pumping.

Today, I'm alive.
And Tomorrow I'll be fine.

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