"Now, what I have done earlier is an example of wrongful matchmaking and it only happened once before. Once, Bright! Once! And you know what happened to that Amos after???"

"No, I don't."

"Exactly! Me, too! Suddenly she just disappeared! Amosias say that perhaps she was exiled! Some say she was made into a mortal! Want to know the worst rumor?"

Bright just raised his eyebrow.

"There was a rumor that she was turned into an Azrali!"

"How is that the worst?!"

"Okay. No need to take offense, Bright! I have nothing against you all but think! Amos reaping souls? You saw how I am when you bring me with you when you work! I don't want that to happen to me, Bright. I don't think I'd last!"

Nervousness and fear made me weak that I just squatted on the floor and bowed my head down.

I felt a hand caress my back and I looked up and saw Bright looking at me.

"Tell me what to do."

"You'd help me???"


Hearing Bright say that made me happy that I instinctively hugged him! At least I know that I am not alone in this. 

When I pulled back, however, I saw how Bright's eyes got widened and...wait... why is he red???

"Hey -"

"Stand up and let's start planning." 

He immediately stood up and sat in his chair without looking at me.

Tsss. He didn't even help me up. Tsk. I stood up on my own and sat again in the chair in front of him.

"Okay. Here's what we're going to do."


- Bright's POV -

I heaved a sigh. 

I did not sign up for this. 

Or did I?


Why can't I say no to Win?!


And now I'm here in the cafe on the lookout for New who's currently manning the counter..

"We  just need to make sure that they don't fall in love."

"What would happen if they don't?"

"Nothing. If they don't fall in love within three months, nobody from the management would notice my mistake. The arrows would simply fall off on their own accord. If, however, they fall in love when they shouldn't, our superior will meddle, then. I'm not exactly sure what they would do to them, though. What I'm sure of is that he has the power to rectify the situation. And he also has the power to punish me and I don't want that to happen. That's why I need you to help me, Bright."

As much I don't like meddling with human lives more than what my job entails, I also do not want to see Win suffer.

He's a friend, after all.

Right. A friend.

"Okay. What's the plan then?"

"Hmmm. We should keep them apart no matter what. Although that would be hard given the fact that one of the magics of the arrows is that their paths will always cross."

"How about showing them the bad sides of each other? Would that be fine?"

Win lightened up but it immediately disappeared. "Wouldn't that be harsh?"

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