House [chapter 34]

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"This is the house?" your mouth hung agape as you held on to Hina tighter, Hina's grip on your shirt also tightening as she stared up at the house.

"Yeah," Bakugo shrugged, nonchalantly walking up to the front door like the place wasn't huge.

You and Bakugo had been going house hunting for the past few weeks. You were currently standing in front of a house that the blonde said he wanted to check out. It was a block away from Todoroki's house, had a huge space for the kids to play, and on top of all that didn't cause too much.

According to him.

In reality, that house was huge, and you wouldn't be surprised if it cost over half a million dollars or something.

You were still taking in the features of the place, slowly walking up the driveway to the front door where Bakugo was now waiting for you. Hina was looking around speechlessly, having no clue how to react to this.

"Woah," Hina was finally able to gasp.

"Woah indeed," you nodded, walking closer to the front door, "Katsuki, are you sure this place doesn't cost too much?"

"Yeah," he nodded his head, "I've checked the price like five times already."

He still hadn't told you the price, but he had told you he could pay for the whole thing on his own. It made you happy that he could afford such things on his own, but it also made you worry about the dent that would be put in his bank account.

"Katsuki, we don't need something this large. We only need something that could fit the kids until their teenagers," you grabbed his free hand with your own, setting down Hina so she could explore as you entered the front door of the house.

"It's fine," Bakugo gave you a small peck on your temple, his one arm wrapping around your waist while the other held Kaito tightly.

"Down please," Kaito said to the blonde. The baby had been watching his older sister explore the house and wanted to do the same.

"At least one of them still uses manners," you hummed, watching as Bakugo set down the brunette. Kaito ran after his sister almost immediately.

Bakugo turned his attention back to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and digging his nose into the crook of your neck. He lightly closed his eyes, swaying the two of you back a forwards a bit. He took in a deep breath through his nose and let it out through his mouth.

"I love you," Bakugo suddenly spoke up, "You know that, right?"

"Yeah? Why are you telling me this?" you asked, eyes widening when you came to a horrible conclusion, "Did you cheat on me or something?"

"What?! No," Bakugo was quick to shut it down, "I just wanted to let you know that because..."

He let go of you and moved out from behind you. He dug something out of his pocket and looked directly at you, opening the small box to reveal a ring. He didn't get down on his knee or anything, just offered you the engagement ring.

"I want you to marry me."

Your hands came to your mouth, eyes widening even more than they had before when you thought Bakugo was cheating on you. You mutely nodded your head feeling your eyes sting a little as tears tried to form inside of your eyes.

"Holy shit, yes," you answered, "A thousand times yes."

Bakugo couldn't help but smile, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it onto your finger. He pulled you closer to him and gave you a kiss on the lips. He was hesitant in pulling away, though he still eventually did.

He stared into your eyes lovingly, "I can't imagine a life without you."

"Likewise," you chuckled, giving him a smile, "I love you."

this is short. uhhh neways how has everyone's day been going?

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