His Workplace [chapter 12]

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You know how your agency was peaceful and calm? Yeah, well the same can not be said for Bakugo.

It all started when he got Hina out of the car, and just like you he was bombarded by paparazzi, except he handled things a little differently...

"I don't know why y/n was saying you're so bad, you're just like Kaito. Always just sitting back and observing," Bakugo mumbled as he closed the back door to his car, Hina being held in his arms.

"Go!" Hina said with a huge smile as she pointed towards the biggest building in her line of sight, assuming that's where Bakugo was taking her. And she would be right.

Right as Bakugo started walking, some people started calling out to him.

"Dynamight! A few words please!" a reporter called out to him, wanting to ask him a few questions.

"No, fuck off," he replied, flipping off the group of people who were trying to ask him questions.

"Buttholes!" Hina added on, sticking her tongue out at them.

Bakugo shook his head, the anger from before going away when Hina pulled that tiny stunt. He continued walking to his agency, tuning out the reporters and not once looking back at them.

"Dummies," Hina sighed while shaking her head.

Bakugo let a little smile show, not caring if people got pictures and posted it on the the internet. He was enjoying his time with Hina. For now...

"This is my agency brat," Bakugo told Hina who marveled at how big the place was up close.

"Woah," she managed, her grip on the blonde tightening a little as her excitement went up. She let a hug smile spread across her features, ready to explore this new place.

"I know, it's fucking cool, right?" Bakugo smirked, satisfied with her reaction.

"Mhm," she hummed, nodding her head rapidly as Bakugo pushed open the doors, walking inside his agency.

"Hello Dynamight!" one of Bakugo's more cheerful interns chirped upon seeing the hero enter.

"Shut the fuck up," Bakugo said back, not bothering to look at the kid.

"If I do that then how am I supposed to answer you throughout the day?" he retorted, a small smile on his face.

"I don't even know why I accepted your damn form," Bakugo scowled, placing Hina on the ground and bending down a bit since she didn't let go of his hand.

"Because he passed your test," his other intern answered, walking into the room, "Speaking of interns and tests, you have another student who has applied to intern here. They'll be stopping by at around noon."

"Hello!" Hina waved at them, both of their attention being pulled to the kid they had ignored beforehand, though it was understandable since she was standing on the ground, and she was rather tiny.

"Why hello," the male intern, Kento, smiled, "Who's this?"

"My— I guess you could say daughter," Bakugo answered.

"You have a kid?!" Kento shouted, not believing his ears.

"That's what he said," Riku, the female intern, monotoned.

"How come I've never heard about this? I haven't even heard you were dating anybody," Kento admitted, staring the pro hero down, though Bakugo wasn't intimidated in the slightest.

"Because I'm not," he answered simply letting go of Hina's hand since she was tugging her's away, making sure to keep an eye on her.

"I didn't take you for the kind of guy to do one night stands," Riku commented.

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