Cuddling [chapter 9]

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"Are we seriously taking the kids to our agencies tomorrow?" you asked Bakugo.

The two of you were sitting in the living room, having a quiet conversation as the kids were asleep. The two of you both had been scheduled to work for tomorrow, which was quite unfortunate. Up until now either one or the other wouldn't be working, so you didn't think far ahead enough for when you both actually had to work. There was no way you could find a babysitter on such short notice, and leaving the kids with one of their grandparents out of nowhere would be rude.

"Yeah. Honestly it's not that bad since our agencies are located relatively close to one another's which means we can get there quickly if there is some sort of emergency," Bakugo said as he flopped down next to you on the couch.

"Which one am I taking?" you asked him while resting your head on the back of the couch.

"You always get Hina when we have to split up the kids, so I wanna take that brat this time," Bakugo declared.

"Are you sure? She's quite the handful," you commented while turning your head to look at the blonde, staring into his vermilion eyes as they stared back into your own.

"You think I'm not up for the challenge?" Bakugo asked, furrowing his brows a bit.

"You can take the master of all the crazy plans, but if she is more than you thought don't say I didn't warn you," you said with a sleepy chuckle, your eyes slowly starting to shut on their own.

"Whatever," Bakugo rolled his eyes. "We should head to bed—" Bakugo started to say, but stopped when he saw you passed out on the couch.

"Idiot," he muttered before getting up and stretching out his back, turning around and wrapping his arms around you. He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his torso before starting to walk to your room. He tried pushing open the door, only to see it was closed which means it would be hard to open since there was a child lock covering it.

"Damn it," he mumbled before turning around and walking towards his room, kicking open the door and dropping you on his bed.

He was about to turn around and open your door so you could sleep in your own room, but stopped when he saw the smile on your face as you wiggled around in the bed, seeming to find in comfortable.

He let out a sigh, closing his door before picking you up again and tucking you under the covers. He then walked around the bed and flopped down on his side, pulling the covers over him and turning towards your sleeping figure.

"Sleep well or whatever," he murmured before turning onto his back, slowly drifting off to sleep.

That night was peaceful, the kids didn't once wake up or cry, and you and Bakugo slept comfortably. However, waking up the next morning was rather eventful.

You woke up on a hard surface, something tightly wrapped around your waist. It was still dark out, though that was normal considering the time you had to wake up to not be late. Your eyes started adjusting, and that's when you realized what was going on.

Somehow, you had ended up in Bakugo's room, and now you were using his chest as a pillow. He had his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly with his eyes shut and his brows furrowed, a small frown pulling his face down. Bakugo was letting out tiny snores as well.

You tried to get up, but Bakugo's grip only got tighter on you and he let out a grunt.

"Bakugo," you whispered while shaking him.

"My alarm didn't go off so I don't have to wake up," he growled, not bothering to open his eyes... Until he felt he was holding onto something.

He slowly opened his eyes, them going wide when he realized what he was doing.

"Shit— sorry," Bakugo mumbled as he put you on the unoccupied side of the bed, his face flushing a million different shades of red.

"It's um, it's ok," you muttered, "You should start on breakfast."

"Uh, yeah," he nodded before stumbling out of his room, making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh my god," you said to yourself when knowing Bakugo was out of earshot. "My heart is beating way too fast..."

You smiled while thinking back upon the situation, finding that you actually enjoyed the warmth Bakugo brought.

"What the fuck are you doing to me...?" you sighed while falling back in the bed.

Meanwhile with Bakugo...

"We fucking cuddled..." he mumbled with a small grin as he turned on the oven, putting a pan on so it could heat up. "...Why the fuck am I so happy?"

Bakugo started on breakfast for you, him, and Hina, making only a tiny bit for Hina since she didn't have a big appetite in the morning. He moved around the kitchen like he had been living there his whole life, not once pausing to think about what he was doing. Everything was automatic. And while Bakugo was cooking, he was only thinking about you.

"Fuck, do I like her...?"

so this is kinda short but i'm kinda just rolling with whatever so yeah

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