Sleep [chapter 4]

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"You need pants!" you shouted at Hina who was being stubborn and running around Bakugo's apartment with her pants on her head, a look of determination in her eyes as she giggled here and there.

You, Kaito, Bakugo, and Hina had dinner a hour or two ago, and now it was time for Hina and Kaito to go to bed. Hina knew this, but she was refusing with all her might.

"Stop fucking around," Bakugo grumbled as he picked Hina up with one hand as Kaito was in his other arm with his head laying on the pro hero's shoulder.

"No!" Hina said as she thrashed around under Bakugo's grip, not wanting to admit defeat just yet.

"Stop it brat!" Bakugo snapped at Hina who pouted before falling limp, signaling that she gave up.

"Good job. I don't think I would ever be able to catch that tiny tower of terror," you sighed as you watched Bakugo huff.

"Maybe you would be able to if you weren't such a shitty hero," Bakugo barked at you out of nowhere.

"I am a good hero! What are you talking about?!" you said with furrowed brows.

"That's what you think," Bakugo said in a tone that radiated pure judgement as he rolled his eyes and turned his back towards you, walking down the hallway of his apartment.

"Oh fuck you too!" you flipped him off behind his back, knowing full well he couldn't see you.

"Fucking Bakugo," you muttered as you made your way to his kitchen, cleaning up the little mess that was left from dinner.

"The kids are knocked out," Bakugo informed as he came into the kitchen, seeing you finish up doing to dishes as he leaned his back against the counter.

"That's good," you sighed as you turned off the water.

"Yeah," Bakugo nodded, "We need to talk about some things..."

"Yeah," you nodded while grabbing a towel to dry your hands off with. "Can we go to the living room though?"

"Whatever," he murmured as he silently walked to the living room, making as little noise as possible so he wouldn't wake up the kids.

"So..." you trailed off as you brought your knees to your chest after plopping down on the couch, "What should we start with first?"

"The living situation," Bakugo replied.

"Right," you nodded. "I'm going to be honest, living together as like roommates and co-parents would be the easiest option. There are definitely other things we could do, but then there would be a lot of back and forwards. And I don't want to keep the kids separated. You know?"

Bakugo let out a long, deep sigh, "This is so hard."

"Yeah..." you muttered as you rested your chin on your knee.

"I have 2 guest rooms," Bakugo muttered, "The kids could share one and you get the other."

"Alright," you hummed. "Now about the kids..."

"They're going to need so much shit," Bakugo sighed while rubbing his temples, "Diapers, bottles, pacifiers, clothes, food, beds, and so much more I can't even think of right now."

"Yeah..." you said as you leaned your head against the back of the couch.

"We're going shopping tomorrow and moving you in by the end of the week," Bakugo informed you while getting up, "Have a bad night," he said before disappearing into his own room.

"Have a bad night too, asshole," you rolled you eyes, not knowing what to do since Bakugo didn't give you permission to sleep in the guest room that was unoccupied.

"Guest room is the second door on the left," Bakugo said as he poked his head out of the door to his room for a quick second, retracting it once he got his message to you.

"Cool," you whistled as you stood up and trudged your way towards the room Bakugo gave you directions to.

You opened the door, peeking your head inside so you could turn on the lights. After doing so, you were met with a plain room. It had light gray walls with dark gray curtains that covered a window along with a queen sized bed that had black and gray sheets covering the mattress. It had a decently sized flatscreen Tv hanging on the wall and a door that more than likely led to a closet.

"This place is nice," you commented as you fell down on the bed, a remote bouncing in the air when your weight hit the bed. "And this must be the remote to the Tv," you sighed as you drew circles around your temples.

Oh how stressful things had gotten in a matter of one day...

You didn't feel like watching anything, just wanting some rest. You begrudgingly got up from the bed and waddled your way to the lights, turning them off before flopping back down on the bed.

"So much has happened," you sighed while slipping under the covers. You turned your back towards the door, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Everything was peaceful, until Kaito started crying which lead to Hina crying from the sudden noise.

"I hate kids," you grumbled as you made your way towards the sounds of crying, meeting Bakugo at the door as he was already standing in the doorframe when you got there.

"You take one brat and I'll get whichever one you didn't," Bakugo scowled.

You did as told, grabbing Kaito and rocking him in hopes of calming him down while Bakugo picked up Hina and gently rubbed her back.

"Do I always have to sacrifice my sleep for kids?" you groaned as you heard Kaito going quieter, meaning he was slowly drifting back off to sleep.

"This is why I didn't want any," Bakugo grumbled as he let Hina sniffle into his shoulder, slowly drifting off back to sleep.

"We're in the same boat," you sighed.

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