Cooking [chapter 14]

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Yeah, saying things were crazy when you woke up the next morning would be an understatement...

Once again, you and the blonde ended up cuddling. Bakugo had his legs spread apart just enough for your figure to lay in between them. You had your head resting on his chest, facing the screen that had automatically turned off last night while Bakugo had his arms firmly wrapped around your waist. The blanket was still on top of both of you, and you were both very comfortable with the position.

Bakugo woke up first, immediately blushing at the contact between the two of you, though he didn't move because he didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful while resting...

And then Kaito started crying, causing Hina to cry in response. You groaned and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, feeling the hard pillow you had felt a few nights prior. Your eyes immediately opened, knowing you were sleeping on Bakugo again as the hard surface of his abs were a texture that you accidentally engraved in your brain.

You brought your knees up just enough so you could sit up on your knees without feeling uncomfortable. And you did just that, looking down at the blonde who's piercing red eyes stared back at you. His arms were still wrapped around your waist even if you had sat up.

"Sorry," you muttered, looking away from the pro hero who had released his grip around your waist.

"It's fine," Bakugo mumbled, a hint of disappointment in his voice though he managed to cover it up easily. "The kids."

You nodded, understanding what he meant as you got up, taking a moment to stretch out your back before walking towards the room the crying was coming from, Bakugo following closely behind you.

"Why we crying so early in the morning?" you asked in a very deep voice, causing Hina to look up from hearing the unfamiliar voice only to see you and Bakugo.

"No need to be so loud," Bakugo hissed, covering his ears as he walked over towards Kaito's crib, picking the baby up and cradling him in a gentle manner so he would calm down.

"Are you crying for any particular reason?" you asked Hina who already had her arms wrapped around your neck and her head on your shoulder as she sniffled.

"...No," Hina managed.

"Did you start crying because bubba scared you?" you asked while patting her back, to which she nodded. "It's alright. How about we go get some breakfast?"

"Yeah!" she nodded, picking her head up from your shoulder as her eyes lit up in excitement.

Bakugo let out a sigh of relief when Kaito stopped crying, looking over at you and Hina when he did, having overheard the conversation between the two of you earlier.

"Pancakes?" he asked, starting to walk out of the room, you trailing after the blonde.

"Sounds great!" you chirped, Hina smiling with excitement.

One of the girl's favorite thing to do was "help" with breakfast. Her definition of help being her sitting on the counter with a spoon and occasionally handing you things as she watched you, Bakugo, or both you and Bakugo rushing around the kitchen to get the meal made.

And that's exactly what was happening 20 minutes later, you and Bakugo working together to make breakfast as Hina sat and watched intently while Kaito sat on the couch, entertaining himself as he practiced standing up on his own.

"Hina," Bakugo said to the girl as he stood in front of her, looking down at her figure which, as per usual, sat on the counter with a spoon in her hand.

"Yes?" she replied, looking up at his figure as it towered over her's.

"Do you want to go to the zoo?" he asked in a calm manner.

"Aminals!" she said excitedly, nodding her head repeatedly. You laughed at her mispronunciation of the word, finding both that and the interaction she and Bakugo were having cute.

"It's pronounced animals," Bakugo said to her slowly, hoping she would pick up on her little mistake so she would get it right in the future.

"Am- animals," Hina said, catching herself while furrowing her eyebrows and looking up at Bakugo who still hovered over her, searching for any signs of approval.

"Yeah," Bakugo smiled, giving her a kiss on the forehead before getting back to work on breakfast.

Your heart swelled, finding everything about that situation adorable. Bakugo was slowly starting to act more like a dad, showing love to the kids in his own little ways... and showing some to you as well. You didn't notice how his voice would get softer when talking to the three of you and not to other people, but you did notice how gentle he was with the kids. It brought a smile to your face.

"Zoo, zoo, zoo," Hina sung quietly, bopping her head up and down to her own beat as she watched the two of you zip around the kitchen.

You and Bakugo ended up finishing within 10 minutes, Bakugo starting on plating as you went to get Kaito, who you found standing up without holding onto anything. You gasped when you saw this, calling Bakugo over so he could see Kaito's development.


"What do you—" Bakugo started to scowl, but stopped when he saw Kaito standing up. "Damn, this kid might start walking sooner than expected. How the hell are that damn Deku's kids so smart...?"

"Hina is going to be a good manipulator when she's older, and Kaito will be following right along behind her," you sighed, thinking about the amount of shit they'll probably get themselves into in the future.

"It's going to be a living hell when they first get their quirks..." Bakugo trailed off.

"Damn it!" you cursed, "This is all your fault!"

"What the fuck?! What are you even talking about?!" Bakugo yelled back.

"You must've made your parents' life hell when you first got your quirk, and well what goes around comes around!" you scolded, "It's your karma, that will now affect me because we're parenting together!"

There was a silence, Bakugo thinking while staring at you, both making eye contact.

"Oops I guess," he shrugged before turning around and walking himself back to the kitchen to continue plating.

"The audacity of this bitch sometimes," you scowled while bending down and picking up Kaito who was looking up at you with big doe eyes.

imma take a small break from this book, but don't worry it's not going to be discontinued. i need more time to plan out my chapters and have them pre-typed.

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