Winking [chapter 31]

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"Open the door mother fu-" you heard from the other side of the door, along with a bit of fumbling.

"Shoto!" you heard Momo scold, seeming to have slapped her hand over her husband's mouth since the last part of that sentence came out muffled.

"Right, sorry," Todoroki now sounded a bit upset, "Please open the door mother fu-"

"No!" Momo covered Todoroki's mouth again. You heard a small 'ow' that seemed more monotoned than out of actual pain.

"Coming!" you called out from the kitchen, wiping your hands off on a towel after shutting the dishwasher.

You picked the birthday boy, otherwise known as Kaito, up from off the counter. He seemed to like watching you do the dishes, so he always ended up sitting on the counter and watching you with pure amazement when it was your turn to do the dishes. And specifically you. Never Bakugo. He was an odd, but most definitely cute baby.

"Hi!" Hiro beamed and waved from Momo's arms once the door was opened.

Hiro had black hair, much like his mom, and was on the taller side. For a baby at least. As you probably already know, he was the more outgoing of the twins, finding communication to be a valuable resource. His hair was on the longer side, currently being pulled back into a mini man bun.

Kaito waved back with an equally as big smile. The two of them had sort created a small friendship with one another, having little interactions and getting along well with each other.

You heard the patter of small foot steps, a gasp being heard when the foot steps stopped. You looked behind you to see Hina, smiling up at Keiko with a cheeky grin that you knew as trouble.

"People!" Hina pointed at the people in the door, well mainly Keiko who was, as usual, clinging on to Todoroki like he was her life line.

Keiko's grip on her father loosened a bit as she looked over towards Hina. She had grown to have a liking towards her.

"Hi," Keiko mumbled barely above a whisper.

And then there was Keiko. She was like a clone copy of her dad- well minus the scar and her hair was a bit different. She had mostly while hair with two strips in the front that were naturally red, making her like an automatic "e-girl" (is that still even a thing?). She hated talking, though she didn't mind a select few individuals who she managed to get along with well enough.

"Heyyy!" Hina dragged on, sending a wink Keiko's way.

"How did she do that?" Todoroki asked, referring to Hina winking.

"I don't know. I do it to her all the time, so she must've figured it out on her own. Why?" you answered, closing the door once the family had gotten inside your apartment.

"How do you-?" Todoroki started to say before stopping completely.

You and Momo turned to face him to see what he was doing. Todoroki stared blankly in front of him before blinking, but putting a lot of effort into blinking. You and Momo stared at him with confusion.

"Did I do it?" Todoroki asked, looking between you and his wife. "Did I wink?"

Your lips formed into a small 'o' shape when you realized that was his goal. And then you burst out laughing, holding your stomach as ungodly sounds escaped your lips.

"You weren't even close," you wheezed.

"Uh, tr-try," Momo started to say but was interrupted by a small laugh she had been trying to hold back, "Try, um, try again..."

"Hmmm," Todoroki hummed in thought, going silent and trying to wink. And yet again, it only came out as a blink. "Did I do it this time?"

You and Momo looked at each other with amused smiles before turning back to the male, "Yes."

"Well that was easier than I thought it was going to be," Todoroki admitted, bending down to set Keiko down on the ground.

You and Momo looked at each other, snickering at the obliviousness of Todoroki.

Keiko protested being put down, shaking her head rapidly and letting out small 'no's when Todoroki tried to put her down. Hina watched with interest, finding it strange that she didn't want to be put down.

"Down please," Kaito started squirming in your arms after he saw Momo place down Hiro.

"At least you ask nicely unlike some people," you shot, staring directly at Hina who stared back at you in some sort of challenging way. You set dow Kaito, still not breaking eye contact with Hina. At that point, it was the first person to blink or look away that was weaker.

You narrowed your eyes at the green haired baby, Hina doing the same to you. You were about to win because Hina's eyes started to water from not blinking, but of course Bakugo had to call you over.

"Damn it!" you groaned, turning your head away from Hina and walking to the kitchen.

"Aha, loser!" Hina clapped happily.

"I swear that fetus is trying to make me go insane," you hissed as you got into the kitchen, "Now, what do you need?"

"Drugs," Bakugo responded with no hesitation.

You stared at him mutely, trying to process what he just said. And when you did you replied with, "Did you just make a joke?"

"Yeah? Is it a crime?" Bakugo asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes before chucking something at you without warning, "Catch."

"You don't say catch after you throw the item!" you shrieked, having trouble keeping the item in your hands, "What did you throw at me anyways?"

"Hina's blanket. Can you throw it in the wash for me?" he asked before turning around to resume whatever he was doing, not giving you the chance to respond. "Just make sure she doesn't see that thing. It's really dirty and she won't let you take it if her eyes land on it."

"Whatever," you mumbled before shoving the blanket in your shirt and walking past the babies plus Momo and Todoroki to get to the laundry room.

You ignored the two adults who gave you quizzical looks as to what you were hiding under your shirt. You mouthed 'I'll tell you later' before turning away and making your way down the hall. Opening the door of the small room, you slipped in and then turned on the lights.

You quickly threw her blanket into the washing machine, adding detergent and changing the settings before starting the cycle. You then shut off the lights and closed the door, walking back to the living room where everyone else was.

"Shitty hair said he was on the way and Dunce face isn't answering me," Bakugo informed you, eyes trained on Kaito as the baby giggled while stomping around the living room.

"So when they arrive we can leave?" you asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Icyhot, if you ever try to imitate my voice ever again I will blow you ass to smithereens."

"Why you gotta be so aggressive..."

double update today lol.

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