Diapers and Blues Clues [chapter 3]

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"Something stinks," you commented as you watched Bakugo unlock his apartment.

"Thanks stating the obvious," Bakugo grumbled sarcastically as he kicked open his door, Hina watching him with curiosity as her parents weren't as harsh as the blonde when opening doors.

"Woah," Hina commented as she looked around the open space apartment. She was more than likely just making sounds since her vocabulary was pretty small considering she was only one and a half, but she did still have a few words down.

"Nice place," you complimented.

"Mhm," Bakugo hummed, waving you off as he placed Hina on the kitchen's counter after taking off their shoes.

"Ok the smell is really getting on my nerves," you sighed as you put the diaper bag with some supplies in it that Inko gave you beside Hina.

"Where is it even coming from anyways?" Bakugo asked as he started sniffing the air in hopes of finding the source.

Kaito then started crying, and just like that it hit the two of you like a ton of bricks. They baby had taken a shit.

"Gross," you said as a look of disgust crossed your face, you moving the baby's carrier away from you.

"Well go change it's diaper," Bakugo said as he shooed you away.

"Can I get a towel? I don't want poop going everywhere," you said to Bakugo as you set the carrier on the ground, squatting down to take Kaito out.

"Whatever," Bakugo grumbled as he made his way towards a closet in the halls where he stored his towels.

Was Bakugo being quieter because there were kids there? Yes, yes he was.

Did you notice his change in mood? No, no you didn't. You were too preoccupied with working out how your new life with kids would work.

"Hey Bakugo..." you trailed off as you looked down at the diaper, grabbing wet wipes in the process.

"What?" he asked in an annoyed tone as he pulled out the toys in Hina's bag.

"How do you change a diaper?" you asked.

"Why are you asking me?! How the hell am I supposed to know," Bakugo half-shouted, catching himself before he yelled in Hina's ears on accident. "News flash: I've never had kids either."

"Jeez, no need to be so rude," you muttered. "You should still come to try and help me since you're going to have to start changing diapers too."

"That shit's disgusting," Bakugo grumbled as he stomped his way over to where you and Kaito were.

"I'm pretty sure you do this..." you trailed off as you pulled the sides of the diaper that kept it strapped together off. "Then I just take it off carefully and replace it."

"You seem to know how to do it, so why did you ask for my help?" Bakugo scowled as he watched you take off the diaper, absorbing the information as he knew he would eventually have to start changing diapers.

"I don't know. I'm just guessing," you replied as you pulled down the front flap.

"Oh my god," you gagged as you covered your nose, the smell getting to you immediately.

"You're only a baby! How the hell do you shit so much?!" Bakugo yelled as he also covered his nose.

"It smells so bad," you gagged, tears welling up in your eyes from how bad the stench was.

"Hurry up and change the damn thing!" Bakugo shouted as he threw a clean diaper at you.

"Breathe through your mouth. Breathe through your mouth. Breathe through your mouth," you continuously muttered as you changed the diaper, wiping Kaito's bottom before putting on the new diaper.

"It looks loose," Bakugo stated as you stood Kaito up, holding onto his arms so he could balance.

Bakugo was right, the diaper in fact did look rather loose, but it also looked stable enough to last until the next diaper change.

"Try FaceTiming Kiri and Mina. They already have kids so they should know," you suggested, grabbing Kaito's pacifier and sticking it in his mouth.

"Don't tell me what to do," Bakugo scowled as he picked up his phone and FaceTimed Kiri like you had asked.

The phone rang 2 times before being picked up. You could hear a child crying and Mina trying to calm the child down.

"Hey Bakubro. What's up?" the red head greeted like there wasn't a screaming kid in the background.

"Ignoring the brat that's ripping my ears off..." Bakugo scowled as he walked over to you and Kaito.

"Hey Kiri," you waved using one hand, keeping the other on Kaito so he didn't fall.

"Hey y/n!" Kirishima waved back.

"Does this diaper look like it's on right?" you asked, getting straight to the point.

Bakugo flipped the camera so Kaito was in view. Kirishima looked at it for a moment before calling Mina over.

"Do you think that looks tight enough?" Kirishima asked Mina who had her son over her shoulder.

"It should stay until another diaper change," she admitted, "But try making it a bit tighter next time."

"Thank you," you said as Bakugo turned the camera around.

"No problem. Just call or text us if you need any help with the kids," Kiri said as he grabbed his own kid, sitting him upright on his hip.

"Bye," Makoto, Kirishima and Mina's kid, waved with a smile, his face still a little red from the screaming he had done earlier.

"Bye brat," Bakugo said before hanging up.

"So you're all set until the next change," you told Kaito like he could understand what you were saying. "What time is it?" you asked Bakugo as you let out a sigh.

"Almost 5," he replied as he started walking towards his kitchen, "I'm making dinner."

"Probably for the best. I'll keep the kids entertained," you said as you picked up Kaito in your arms. "Come one Hina," you said to the child who was keeping herself entertained with Bakugo's keys.

"I'll be taking those," Bakugo said as he snatched the keys from Hina and took her off the counter, placing her on the ground.

Hina followed after you as you went to the living room of Bakugo's pretty open apartment. It had windows surrounding most of the living room, giving it natural lighting as the sun set.

"Let's see what's on," you said as you set Kaito on the couch and grabbed the remote to the Tv, turning it on.

"How does Blues Clues sound? Haven't seen that in a while," you said as you clicked on the channel.

You were sitting there, playing with Kaito's feet as you watched the show. Hina had her eyes glued to the screen, eyes filled with anticipation and curiosity. Then the person who was running the show now said he just got a letter.

"Yo, this was my song," you laughed, getting ready to sing one of your childhood songs.

Then something unexpected happened. He didn't sing the song.

"What the hell is this?!" you yelled in shock and anger.

"What!" Bakugo yelled from his kitchen.

"They got rid of the 'we just got a letter' song from Blues Clues. Now it's something about an email, and the melody isn't even the same," you replied, furrowing your brows in anger.

"What?" Bakugo said as he dropped what he was doing and came into the living room. "Rewind it," he ordered.

Doing as told, you rewound the program. Hina looked at the screen in confusion, but her confused expression went away when the Tv started playing normally again.

"What. the. fuck." Bakugo said as he watched the email song play, "Who the hell would approve that?"

"I don't know, but I am highly disappointed," you said as you clicked your tongue.

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