Talk Show [chapter 24]

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"Well ladies and gentlemen," the talk show host began.

"Don't forget the theys!" Sero yelled from the back.

"Way to ruing the surprise," you chuckled in a hushed tone.

"And theys," the host added, "Introducing the man most kids love and know as a jungle gym! Pro hero, Cellophane!"

"Heyyyy," Sero threw up a peace sign, nodding his head nonchalantly at the audience as he went out on stage. He sent a wink at a girl who was blushing causing her to go even more red and for him to chuckle.

"Hello Cellophane, welcome to my show," the host greeted, "Glad to have you here."

"Glad to be here," Sero responded.

"Now, we have a few more guests..." the host said, looking over to the curtain that you and the others were still hiding behind, "Come on out, Shoto and Creati!"

They earned themselves a huge round of applause as the two of them walked out from behind the curtains, hand in hand. Momo waved to a few people who called her name out with a smile while Shoto kept a straight face and his eyes forwards.

"It's a pleasure to have you on my show," the host said as the two heroes sat down.

"Pleasures all yours," Todoroki monotoned. Sero snickered while Momo let out a sigh and hit his arm. "The pleasures all mine," Todoroki hesitantly corrected himself.

"Right..." the host muttered, "Anyways! We also have the hero currently in the number one spot, known as one of the angriest people on the planet, pro hero Dynamight!"

He got the loudest round of applause, the blonde walking on the stage without any sort of expression. He didn't look angry nor did he look calm.

"Hello Dynamight," the host greeted, earning a grunt of acknowledgment. "Not very talkative, I see."

"Don't provoke him," Todoroki cut in, seeing as Bakugo's expression slowly started turning into a frown.

"Uh huh," the host mumbled, "Now our last guest, some may know her as the hero of heat, The Reaper!"

You came out on stage, a small grin on your features as you walked out onto the stage you like you owned it. You spared a few people quick glances, but ultimately kept your eyes ahead of you.

"Sup," you nodded your head at the host, the host returning the action.

You took a seat next to Bakugo, the blonde letting his arm rest of the back of the couch, but only with the arm from the side you were on.

"Welcome all," the host laughed, giving each of you a smile. "Now I know many people know you, but just in case they don't can you give us your actual name and a quick rundown of your quirk?"

"Sero Hanta. My quirk is sex, and if you don't know what that is then ask your mom what she and I were doing last night," Sero answered first.

"Sero," you laughed, Todoroki chuckling with you. "His actual quirk is tape for those who didn't know."

"I'm Momo Todoroki, and my quirk is creation. There are more detailed explanations on the internet if you want that," Momo offered.

"Shoto Todoroki. My quirks are half-cold and half-hot, though I am hot 25/8," Todoroki replied, flipping his hair over his shoulder as he let out a small sigh.

"Of course, of course," you nodded along, Bakugo rolling his eyes at your actions.

"Katsuki Bakugo. Quirk, explosion," Bakugo answered simply, getting straight to the point without adding any unnecessary commentary.

"You're no fun," you grumbled before perking up to give your own introduction, "Y/n Bakugo—"

"Don't even fucking start," Bakugo glared at you, you smirking before putting your hands up as a sign of defeat.

Though Bakugo liked the way his last name fit so well with your given name, he would never admit it in public. He was known as a hero with the main emotion of anger, so being soft with you in front of people was not something he wanted to do. And you knew this, so you would only tease and let Bakugo debunk anything you said. It was a cycle the two of you had accidentally created.

"Ok, chill," you chuckled, "Y/n l/n. My quirk is Heat. Imma give you an explanation unlike these other hoes— I mean heroes. I can basically control anyone's body temperature, making it hotter to the degree I choose. If I wanted to, I could kill a man by raising their body temp too quickly in a short amount of time."

"But we don't kill people because we're heroes," Momo added quickly, trying to save you from having any hate from anything you said.

"Right, because we're heroes," you nodded with hints of dissatisfaction in your voice.

"Ok..." the host said with a bit of confusion, "Do any of you have any projects coming up?"

"I have a photo shoot with y/n in about a week," Todoroki answered.

"It's for a magazine or something. Man, I don't really know. My manager doesn't tell me things until last minute," you admitted, Bakugo biting his tongue to hold back any sort of smile that wanted to come onto his face.

"I'm pregnant," Momo spoke up, "I'm not going to be doing anything that requires too much physical activity for the next 8 months or so. I might do a few modeling things, but other than that I probably have nothing."

"I have a autograph signing coming up," Sero shrugged.

"Don't know, nor do I really care," Bakugo answered.

"This is a question many people wonder," the host said while looking directly at Momo, "They want to know your cup size."

Now this question was a common one when Momo got interviewed. She always found ways to dodge it, but many could tell it made her uncomfortable. The only reason she was asked those questions were because of her costume design, which is total bull shit if you ask me.

"I personally wear Double Ds," Bakugo spoke up first, noting Momo's nervous expression and coming up with something quickly.

"Really? I'm a B," Sero added while looking over at Bakugo who's face was neutral.

"Yo, I'm a B as well," Todoroki hummed, a semi-smug expression on his face as he looked at the host who was know blushing a bit out of embarrassment.

"Bitch," you whispered under your breath with a small eye roll.

"Uh— Lets cut to a commercial break," the host sweat nervously.

"Serves you right," Momo mumbled under her breath.

"I don't really want to do this anymore," you said with a fake yawn while stretching your hands above your head. You got up from the couch you were seated on and walked off the stage.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you," Sero smiled before following after you.

"Not really," Bakugo monotoned whiled walking after you and Sero.

"Who wants to get ramen?" Todoroki asked while walking off the stage with Momo.

"If you're paying, I'm down," you replied.

"Of course," Momo nodded.

"Broke~" Todoroki teased, poking your side playfully before the five of you left the building.

...Regardless of if you were supposed to or not.

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