"Dad" [chapter 15]

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"And then Bakugo exploded the building," you told Hina as the two of you sat on the floor of the living room.

Hina was bored, but refused to play with the toys she was provided with, so here you were, laying on the floor with Hina, telling her some of the many stories you have from rescue missions.

The two of you were waiting for Bakugo and Kaito to finish getting ready so the four of you could go to the zoo. This would be the first time going out as a family in a sense since most of the time you would split up when you left the house. And you usually only left to run errands, get food, or go to work. In short, you all didn't get out much.

"Why?" Hina asked.

"Because he didn't want it to hit him, so instead of just moving out the way, he exploded it! And not to mention he put innocent lives in danger when he did that! I had to clean up his messy work!" you answered, throwing your arms around to exaggerate your point.

"Butthole," Hina scowled.

"Butthole indeed," you nodded, laughing and not noticing Bakugo's presence.

"The fuck are you laughing about?" he asked, putting Kaito down who decided to crawl over to you and Hina.

"You," Hina answered simply, her eyes focusing on Kaito as she watched her brother crawl over.

"So polite," Bakugo said with a fake smile, bringing up the pitch of his voice by like 7 octaves.

"Thank you," Hina replied, not once looking up at the blonde who only snarled at her.

"Anyways!" you chirped, trying to change the conversation topic quickly, "We can leave now if you're ready."

"Whatever. Let me get my bag together and then we can leave," Bakugo replied while grabbing the backpack he usually used to store the kids' things in since he refused to use a diaper bag unless absolutely needed.

"Mhm," you hummed, watching as the two kids interacted with each other.

Bakugo was quick, taking less than five minutes to get everything he would need. Those things including his wallet, keys, diapers, sippy cups, a pacifier, a change of clothes for both kids just in case, and baby food.

"Get your damn shoes on," Bakugo ordered as he swung his bag over his shoulders, picking up Kaito after he did that.

"The stroller is already in the car, right?" you asked while picking up Hina, standing up once you did.

"Yeah," Bakugo nodded, slipping on his shoes after securely putting on Kaito's.

The four of you walked down to the parking garage after you put on Hina and your own shoes and Bakugo closed and locked the apartment doors. You buckled Hina in while Bakugo did Kaito, Bakugo slamming the door shut once he finished. It wasn't out of anger, just the way he normally closed doors, and the three of you and actually grown used to it as strange as it sounds.

"Adventure!" Hina shouted excitedly once the sun hit her face as the car left the parking garage. She had been to the zoo once or twice, but only knew that from pictures and didn't exactly remember anything. It was doubtful that she would remember this trip, but it would still be fun nonetheless.

"Can't wait," you smiled, looking at the girl through the rear view mirror.

The drive to the zoo was relatively quiet, the only noise coming from the speakers in the car as whatever was on the radio played through said speakers. But your mind started racing when Bakugo did one thing in particular...

This man! whooo!

At one point in time during the drive, the ash blonde reached over and rested his hand on your thigh. This sent butterflies to your stomach and a million thoughts through your head, all of which were unholy. You didn't bother moving away, thinking that his hand in your thigh felt uncomfortable yet so natural. You didn't want him to move to say the least...

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