Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Your Holiness," Luke said as he kneeled on one knee before her.

"Rise, devoted of Duir." Valenia's voice was whispery, as though she were constantly surprised.

She faced me with a smile. "The Brigid's daughter."

All the rules Luke had given me in that notebook crumbled from my mind like a sandcastle at high tide. I wasn't sure what to do, so I went down on my knees until she chuckled. "No... you and I are on equal standing. Rise, child."

Was I of equal standing with this goddess? Right, the notebook said that I had equal status. I closed my gaping mouth and rose.

"Excellent. Would you please get to know the nobles, dear child? I must confer with Luke about the lack of members in your court."

"But, your Holiness, I must protest! I should not be —"

"Nonsense, Luke. Come this way."

"Being apart from Elect Madeline would be —"

She glared at Luke, which quelled his arguments. With a final bow of defeat, he followed her.

As I watched her commandeer Luke, I felt possessive jealousy that made me question my sanity. No, it wasn't jealousy; it was just outrage that she could make Luke obey her even though he was the king.  My emotions must have traveled to him because he turned to look back at me with a look of surprised concern.  I drew in a breath and looked away.

The ballroom dazzled with festoons of glittery ribbons decorating the walls. Punctuating the ribbons were sprays of gilded flowers. The decorators spangled the ceiling with constellations made of tiny lights against a canopy of black velvet. Pillars of white provided support for the fabric. In the center of the room was a dais lifted by kneeling sculptures of broad-winged fairies with their heads thrown back and their long hair pooling around their feet. Seven broad steps made of solid amethyst allowed access to the dais. Set upon the dais was an altar that held a large gray stone that was square. Upon the stone were a plain silver goblet and a jeweled dagger. Behind the altar were three magnificent thrones that rose slightly above the altar.  The first throne was made of a silvery-white metal that was shaped into spindly branches. Golden oak leaves and acorns made of large rubies capped in gold clung to each branch. That must have been Duir's throne. There were two smaller thrones, both done in a similar style but without leaves or jewels.

The party guests were scattered throughout the ballroom. Some walked together, deep in conversation, and others sat alone at the tables that banked the outer perimeter of the room. Some stood in groups, laughing softly and murmuring. Most of the guests were willowy, ornate Sidhe that glittered in their finery. Most of the women had veils, but they'd decorated them with colorful jewels and shiny beads. A few women had no veils, but they seemed to be accompanying some dazzling Sidhe, so I assumed they might be servants. Mixed among the fashion-mag perfect beauty of the Sidhe were other races of the Fae. I saw a few satyrs, and the woman with the waterfall dress had blue hair and gills. The women from other races also wore no veils, and I wondered about that.

Off to the side, a tall, stick-like Fae raised his voice in a heated debate with a three-foot-tall man who was wearing a green hat. I wanted to know what they were arguing about, so I moved forward, but someone pulled me back by my hand and spun me around. Ciaran had me encircled with one arm and held my hand up as if he were about to dance with me.

"Hello, Princess," he crooned. A slender, ghostly root traveled from Ciaran and me. I felt that peace settled over me as something within me acknowledged that he was mine. My hand lifted and touched the side of his face as I gaped at him.

Not knowing what to say, I stated the obvious "I see you're already dressed to be part of my court." He was dressed all in silver, including the cape with my insignia at his neck. Multicolored beads broke up the monochrome look. 

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