I Diagnose You With Yandere

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No One's Pov:

Kyosei: 'Sweat'

Kyoai: ZzzzzZZZZzzzzz...

Kyosei was sweating bullets while holding Ai, the reason you all already knows.

Fn Ln.

Kyosei: 'Gulp' ( Calm down Kyosei, you can do this, you can do this.... )

She was just about to ring the doorbell, but..


The door opened itself, no one did it, the place was in complete silence, this made Kyosei shiver like it was a cold day, there was no one inside the house, looking at the kitchen, there was a paper.

" We are off Honey, Yn said we could spend some money to go out, so, me and Sn are having girls day! Suit yourself at home, and remember, No hookers >:( I'm just kidding XD stay well, we will come back at night.

Mn Ln "

Kyosei: ...... ( So i'm alone with him?! W- )

'Knock' 'Knock'

Someone knocked the table behind her, Kyosei turned around slowly and....

Fn: .....

Kyosei: 'Sweating'

Like father like son, Fn and Yn had one very similar trait, their eyes are like they belong to an empty shell, something that sometimes even puts Kyosei in fear, this man's murder aura was humongous, as incredible and fierce than anyone, maybe not as much as Yn.

Fn: ..... How's he?

Kyosei: E-Eh?

Fn: How's my grandson?

Kyosei: O-Oh!

Kyoai was burying his face on Kyosei's breasts, he was annoyed by the loud sounds.

Fn: Follow me, i'll have to see one thing with you both.

Kyosei: 'Nervous Nod'

Both went to his office, Kyosei sat on the chair in front of him, Kyoai was still laying on her.

Fn: Put him in the table.

Kyosei did it slowly to not wake him up.

Fn: Wake him.

Kyosei: ? But-

Fn: 'Glare' ?

Kyosei: 'Sweating' O-Okay..

She started shaking him gently to wake the small Ln up

Kyoai: ..... ?

Fn: Excellent.... Wait here...

Fn walked out of the room, leaving Kyosei and Ai confused, Ai was rubbing his eyes with his little fists.

Kyosei: Are you okay honey?

Kyoai: .....


Kyosei: ( Wow, he was fast.. ) So what are we- ?!

A man with a strange demonic mask, with a black cloak and a knife appeared on the door, he was covered in blood from the shoes to the mask.

Kyosei: Who are you?

Kyosei was maintaining herself calm, she had to protect the baby in case of a menace.

Kyoai: 'Whimpering' 

Kyoai was hugging Kyosei's pants, the man started walking in her direction.

Kyosei: .....

She readied herself for anything that he might do, but what he did was something she didn't expect...

Insanity - ( Male Reader x Yandere Tomboy ) MAD LOVE Part. 2Where stories live. Discover now