Asking Questions And Advices.

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No one's pov:

Kumiko: Mom, Dad, we are home!

Kumiko and her brothers arrived after another boring monotone day at school, Yn was on the couch, just watching tv, Kyosei?

Quon: ? 

She was laying by Yn's side, not on his lap but she was laying on the couch.

Cong-Min: Morning father, how's your day been?

Yn: ..... Meeeh.

Yn was searching what to watch, nothing was catching his attention.

Shèng Xià: Hey dad?

Yn: Yeah?

Shèng Xià: Can i ask you some questions?

Yn: About?

Shèng Xià: Well.... They have a variety, but i'm confused on them very much.

Yn: Well okay th-

Duì: Me too.

Yn: ?

Quon: Same.

Cong-Min: Me too.

Yn: Well, and you Kumiko?

Kumiko: Well....... 'Nod'

Yn: 'Sigh' Understandable, you first Shèng Xià, what's yours?

Shèng Xià: Well.....

Shèng Xià sat at the other couch, Yn was paying attention to him.

Shèng Xià: So... Is it okay for us to..... You know?

Yn: Fight at school?

Shèng Xià: You know already?

Yn: I'm your father and have to do half of your mother's work, so basically i'm watching you all 24/7.

Shèng Xià: Well.... Is it?

Yn: Yes.

Shèng Xià: ?

Yn: The thing is that you all can't fight unless it haves a good reason, so if i hear that you all had PICKED a fight, i'll go against any of you, but if you just defended yourself, God, even if you killed your opponent i'll be by your side.

Shèng Xià: 'Smile' Xie Xie Fùqīn.

Yn: Now, you Duì, what's yours?

Duì: Well, why did you choose us? I'm grateful that you did but-

Yn: I'll have to stop you now, i choose you all not because of your abilities, or because you are kids, it's more of your relationship with each other, it's a type that it's necessary for your missions, you all take care of each other, but if necessary you die in job and continues, not without caring, but knowing that it's better to continue than just stand still and wait for your own death.

Duì: Like a soldier?

Yn: You're asking two questions, think about it yourself, now, Quon?

Quon: Well.... Mine's how do you felt about mom? And how it is today?

Yn: Your mother?

Quon: Yes, because sometimes you seem so sad, and yet there's times that you're smiling at her, there's times that you seem to lover her deeply, and there's times that you act like you hate her, why?

Yn: ...... Heh, remember, i already told you, she's a Yandere, a person that was on the verge of depression, that would probably take away her life at the first chance she had, and when she finds her "Love" she finds a reason to live, your mother found me, you may think i'm sad or angry against her, but i care about her life and safety, well, if i didn't Ai would only be a dream, and this house wouldn't exist, i just have to remember you about it " An animal that is in pure exctasy wants to have many babies and do what he desires with his partner " i just don't want that to happen against me. Now, Cong-Min?

Cong-Min: Well, do you have any fear of one of us or even Ai becoming a spoiled brat?

Yn: That'll never happen, it's impossible, i may spoil him, but that's because he's my son, so why wouldn't i treat him that way? The same goes for you all, and i try to make sure that i teach you all very well about it, so don't disobey me about using your abilities to oppress someone, understood?

Cong-Min: Yes sir.

Yn: Now, Kumiko?

Kumiko: Why's mom sleeping until now?

Yn: She's not asleep, she's unconscious.

Kumiko: EH?!

Yn: Remember i asked her to take care of Ai? So, she did it pretty well, i heard you helped her, so i'm going to raise your allowance by 7$

Kumiko: YES!

Everyone: Wait WHAT?!

Yn: now, what she asked me to do was get more kinkier

( Flashback )

Kyosei: Ah~ Ngh~

Kyosei was under Yn, her legs wrapped on his waist, both sweating heavily, everything was pretty normal until...

Kyosei: Honey?~

Yn: ?

Kyosei: Can you choke me?~

Yn: Huh?~

Kyosei: P-Please~

What he did was turn her, when he leaned his body on her back


Kyosei: BLURGH!~

He put her in a rear choke.

Yn: How's this for you?

Kyosei: 'MOAN!~'

She was moaning very hard now, her under part? Was getting

Yn: ( Tight. ) Ngh~

Yn started wanting more from the feeling she was providing him, he was humping and choking her harder, Kyosei was drooling but smiling at the same time, the feeling was incredible, but...

This went until

Kyosei: GLURGH!!!~

She came on him and got unconscious from the pressure on her neck, Yn got dressed and went to the couch with her, why he's stressed now? Well....

She basically blue-balled him.

( End Of FlashBack )

Yn: And that's why i'm searching for a movie..... But it's hard to do it.

Shèng Xià: Uhm...

Duì: 'Blush'

Quon: 'Confused'

Cong-Min: 'BLUSHING!'

Kumiko: W-Well..... W-Where Ai?

Yn: ? Oh, well......

Insanity - ( Male Reader x Yandere Tomboy ) MAD LOVE Part. 2Where stories live. Discover now