Kyosei's Fury Against The Girl Next Door.

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No one's pov:

Elaine: H-Huh?

She woke up on the middle of nowhere, by the appearance, under a bridge.

Elaine: W-What the?

" Finally awake huh? "

Elaine: ?!

Elaine noticed Kyosei, she was using a simple shirt and jeans, probably was just minding her own business a little then did some thing.

Elaine: W-What are you doing with me? Why are we under a bridge?

Kyosei: .......


She did a right Yakuza kick on Elaine's face.

Elaine: GLURGH!

Kyosei: I think you already know...

'Shuffle!' 'Shuffle!'

Kyosei picked some thing from her back pocket...... A phone?

Elaine: W-What are you doing with my-

Kyosei: Care to explain..... What's this is?!

There was a photo of Yn dressing himself before work, by the angle it was taken by the window.

Elaine: 'Gulp'

Kyosei: So... Not only you try to take my husband, wreck my home but you also take photos of him naked?

Elaine: I-It's not what you think!

Kyosei: Oh? Are you sure? Because i think i can see many things in here.... For example: That you are a whore, a stalker, a wench and many others, if my Yn knew what you were doing he would get disgusted and call the cops on you, but i think i can give him some thing better.

Elaine: A-And that is?

'Crack' 'Crack'

She was cracking her knuckles.

Kyosei: .....

Elaine: 'Sweat'


Elaine got up as quick as she could from the ground and tried to ran past Kyosei but


She did a left gut buster on Elaine's stomach, making her

Elaine: BLURGH!!!

Puke on the ground.

Kyosei: You are not getting away from here....

Elaine: KRCK!!


She tried a right haymaker but Kyosei parried on time.

Kyosei: I think we know what will happen right?

Elaine: !!!!

'WRAP!' 'BAAAM!!!'

Kyosei wrapped her arms on Elaine's right arm and did a 

Kyosei wrapped her arms on Elaine's right arm and did a 

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