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The two got out of the car when Jimin happily skipped to the door.

Yoongi lazily followed the boy and watched him ring the doorbell.

It didn't take long and the door swung open, revealing the one and only Kim Seokjin as handsome as ever.

"My baby come here!" Jin said so Jimin practically ran into the eldest getting lifted off the ground earning a tight hug.

Yoongi didn't necessarily like the sight but he told himself to brush it off, afterall Jin treats everyone who means a lot to him like this unless it's someone like Yoongi who doesn't really love physical touch.

That doesn't stop Jin from hugging Yoongi aswell and he has to admit he didn't have any problem with it anymore.

He used to push Jin away after a few seconds going "Okay that's enough." But after losing a few people in life he quickly noticed that he'd regret it if he would keep pushing the elder away.

Seokjin let them step inside, where they took off their shoes to be greeted by Namjoon who just came downstairs.

"Very nice to see my favorite two people together." he said while stepping down the stairs.

That's when Jin started to pout. "Yah! Not you betraying me,Kim Namjoon."

"No no, you were always my number one Mr. Kim Seokjin."

"Okay enough, you two love birds," Yoongi fake gags.

Jimin just giggled at the elders action,he could literally feel himself growing attached to Yoongi.

Of course the giggles didn't say unnoticed and Jin started fake crying.

"Wow even my own kid is turning me their back."

Jimin quickly hugged their hyung whisper screaming "No,of course not!"

So Jin stopped fake crying and patted the younger on the head, "I knew you wouldn't let me down."

"Okay now actually enough, come!" Joon said.

So they all followed Joonie in the living room and sat down, Jin has prepared a lot of snacks and soft drinks for them, of course water aswell.

They ate and drank whatever they liked until Namjoon started talking about Yoongi and Jimin.

"So..are you together now?"

Jimin was panicked, it's very well known that he gets flustered easily so Yoongi decided to save him from that hole he was about to fall in.

"No, not yet. We're still seeing each other to look how it will work out, isn't that right Jiminie?" Yoongi winked.

He just nodded shyly.

Jin was pretty much squealing in his seat,reading Jimin's body language.

"Don't worry, you'll be the first to know when it's official."

"Yes! Don't worry, Hyungs!!"

They talked about everything possible, eating at the same time when Jin would tell Jimin to finish eating and then talk a few times.

It was now 11:30 and when Yoongi noticed that, he stood up.

"Well I have to be at work in 30 minutes and I still have to look after a few things."

"Oh that's alright, is Jimin coming?"

"I'll bring him to Jungkook and Tae- Tae-"

"Taehyung, silly Yoongi." Jimin laughed at him.

"But yes, he'll take me to them!"

"Aw man, time passes by so quickly." Jin pouted.

"I know but we or I'll come again as often as possible!"

"Alright, Jin let them go not that Yoongi will be late."


So the couple followed them into the hallway, continuing to talk to them while they put on their stuff.

When they left through the door, they still waved goodbye and got into Yoongi's car.

"Jungkooks or Taehyungs house?"

"Taehyungs, Jungkook will most likely be there aswell!"

"Okay, put on your seat belt aswell, Jiminie."

So he did and Yoongi started to drive when Jimin told him the directions at the same time.

After some time Jimin kept turning around to see if someone was there.

"What's wrong, Chim?"

"Don't you feel like someone is following us?"



Yoongi just chuckled grabbing Jimin's thigh, squeezing it as in "It's okay."

Soon after they arrived and Jimin almost threw his arms around Yoongi's neck, which felt suprisingly nice to the elder.

He hugged back, pecking Jimin's cheek goodbye.

"Bye Jiminie,call me if anything is wrong!"

"You too,Hyung. I will call later!"

That were the last words and Jimin got out of the car, walking to the house of Taehyung knocking loudly on the door.

It didn't take long for Taehyung to open and when Jimin turned around Yoongi still stood there with his car wanting to watch the younger safely get in.

They still waved goodbye, sending each other flying kisses and as soon as Jimin got in, Yoongi drove off.

"Hello Tete!"

"Jimin, my soulmate!"

"I saw your comment,you know? You're my soulmate, I'm not ditching you!"

"Thank god, I already thought. But now that you're here I'm very happy!"

They hugged each other for at least 5 minutes, ever since they grew up together and became best friends that somehow became a thing.

They tend to miss each other very quickly and share everything together.

"Is Jungkook not here?"


"I thought you'd be together again,you know..working on your relationship?"

"Yah,Jimin!" he hit the elder.

Jimin just laughed, "Come on, I know you like him and he probably knows aswell so tell me everything!"

"Fine. One condition though."

"And that would be?"

"Only if you tell me everything about you and your boyfriend there."

"He's not my boyfriend..yet but deal."

"Great! Let's go upstairs ChimChim!"

There they were running up the stairs holding hands.

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