5. Hermione's first night

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Hermione had such a fun time that she forgot that she time travelled. She slept in a dorm with Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon,  Dorcas  Meadowes and Mary Macdonald. It was super fun and the girls were super sweet.
'But Hermione, do you really like Regulus Black?' Marlene said. She was laying on Lily's stomach. Hermione was reading a book that Mary gave her. She said that she  hated reading but that her mother gave it to her. Hermione really liked it. 'No, i don't even know him well!'

'Love at first sight, so beautiful!' Mary said. Lily laughed and Marlene rolled her eyes. 'What about you Marlene?' Mary said. 'What do you mean?' Marlene said. 'you know what i mean Marls!' Mary laughed. 'I'm not interested in boys! Not after that stupid relationship with Sirius' She said. 'No, i was not asking about boys...' Mary said. Marlene started blushing. Hermione stopped reading to stare at Marlene, and so did Lily. 'MARY YOU IDIOT!' Marlene yelled. Mary started laughing and was running away with Marlene right after her. Lily took a picture with her polaroid camera while laughing. Hermione laughed to. Dorcas was really quite but she clearly was blushing. When Marlene and Mary finally calmed down they sat down again, breathing heavy.

'But Marls, you did not answer the question?' Mary said. 'I don't have someone and i don't need someone.' Marlene said. Hermione looked at Dorcas, who was trying very hard not to look at Marlene.  Could it be possible that Dorcas liked Marlene? Hermione did not know her good enough to know that. 'You said someone, so it could be a girl right?' Mary said. Marlene sighed. 'You're not gonna give up until i answer you right?' Marlene said with a soft smile on her face. 'Exactly. Well no, you don't need to answer if you really don't want to! I don't want to push you!' Mary said. 'to be honest, i don't really know. I like girls but maybe i will fall in love with a boy soon. Like i did when i met  Sirius... maybe i just need time.' she said. Hermione looked up. These girls had clearly no secrets for her, or they just forgot about her... No matter which one it was, Hermione was happy about it. 

'But you and Black did not really work out right?' Mary asked. But not in the playful way. She sounded sweet and kind. 'No, because of Lupin. But that's totally fine! They are probably made for each other and we had a nice relationship, still i would not want it again. Maybe because i grew up or because maybe...' Marlene stopped for a second and looked at the ceiling. 'It is fine if you don't want to tell us Marls!' Lily said and she looked at her best friend. 'Maybe it is because i like girls...' Marlene whispered. 'ooh, Marlene! Come here!' Lily said and she gave Marlene a hug. A single tear fell on the ground. Marlene was crying. 'No matter what happends, i will always love you!' Mary said. Dorcas, Mary, Marlene and Lily did a groups hug. Hermione was still sitting there, not knowing what to do. It was so brave from Marlene to tell her friends about that! But she was not really her friend. It felt like she better could leave and go back to Harry and Ron. But then the girls looked at her.

'Come here Hermione! You don't need to be scared! We will not bite you!' Lily said. A smile appeared on Hermione's face and she gave them all a big hug. She felt home. She felt so safe with these girls. The rest of the night they talked about everything that  happend the past days so that Hermione could follow. James asked Lily out for about 6 times, they had a great party in the Gryffindor common room  ( untill Mcgonagall found out and they all needed to go sleep  what they did not do.), they swimmed in the Lake and saved a first year that nearly drowned. They said it was a boring week but Hermione found it amazing  Around 1pm Marlene played some music. It was so cool. 'Sirius gave it to me for my birthday.' She said with a big smile.

Hermione wished she could stay her forever. But she knew she needs to go back one time. Only 2 years. After 2 years they all would be dead. It was so creepy. Sometimes Hermione wanted to tell Lily about it. But she knew that was impossible.

'Good night Dorcas, Lily  Mary and Mione!' Marlene said when they finally went to bed. Only Ron called her that. A smile appeared on her face. She missed them a lot. Maybe she needed to go back tomorrow. Maybe....

LOST TIME ~ H. Granger and R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now