14. feelings

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Hermione woke up the next morning laying next to Lily and Marlene. Both of them were still asleep, breathing deeply. Hermione sat up. You could still see a smile on Lily and Marlene's faces. She soon remembered what happened yesterday.

She sighed.

She had to say sorry to Regulus. And maybe to Pandora too, even though she already did. SHe wanted her to know that she meant it. She slowly got out of the bed. Careful not to touch Lily's hair when she did. She looked around the room. It didn't look much different then it did in her time. She smiled and looked at the two girls once more, both still wearing their clothes from the night before. Then she slowly walked over to the door and carefully opened it. She wondered if Regulus was awake already, since it was quite early. 

Even the sun was just waking up herself. The common room was nearly empty, except for some third years Hermione didn't knew. She walked trough the portret of the Fat Lady who asked her why she was waking her up from her 'well deserved night rest.' Hermione ignored her and went straight down to the moving stairs. It took her some time, but she really wasn't in a hurry. The lower she got the more she started to regret her decisions. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to talk to Regulus. What if he would hurt her? She tried to not think about it but failed. When she got down she stopped. The SLytherin portret was looking rather annoyed at her.

'Uhm... hi, sir... Can i, ask you something?' She said.

The portret raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. 'What do you want?' He said, not sounding very happy. 

'Did you see... Regulus Black already this morning?' She said. 

'Why do you want to know?'

'I have to talk to him.' Hermione said.  'It is really important sir! I messed things up.'

'I don't care about your silly little life.' He said, nearly spitting the words out of his mouth.

'I'm just asking you if you've seen him!?' Hermione was getting kind of annoyed by this conversation.

'No! I did not! Can you let me rest now? It is saturday, blimey!'

Hermione rolled her eyes and walked away. She heard the portret yelling after her, telling her that she was being disrespectful and a shame for my hogwarts house. She didn't really knew what to do now. It was to early for breakfast but she really didn't want to go to sleep anymore. Maybe she should just go on a walk. Whenever she had too much stress from studying or homework she liked going for a walk. There was a lot of nature out here. It wasn't really cold but it was still pretty dark outside. The sun was only just waking up. The dew had made the grass shiny. She decided to walk over to the water. There she could sit down and think for a while. While walking over to the water she saw a black figure walking. Suddenly, she felt rather afraid. The shadow came walking towards her. It was slow. And dark too of course.

She didn't knew if it was smarter to run or to keep standing here. Probably the first one. Just when she wanted to return back to the castle she heard someone call her name. Well, her last name actually.

'Granger? That's you?' Someone shouted.

Of course, it was Regulus Black. Hermione sighed with relief and walked over to Regulus. 'Uhm, Regulus? ' It was him. Regulus smiled when he saw her, and it was the cutest smile Hermione had ever seen in her whole entire life. She smiled back. That's probably when Regulus remembered that it wasn't cool so he tried looking neutral again. 

'Are we... Okay?' Hermione said. Then she realised how stupid it sounded.

'I mean-' Regulus raised his eyebrows, an arragant smile appearing again.

'If you say so Mione.'

'Knew you would come and look for me. Can't go less then a minute without me.' He mumbled, not really aware that Hermione could hear him. 

'That's pathetic! I just wanted to make sure that you weren't dying of sadness!' Hermione said.

'Me? You were the one crying right?'

'So were you!' Hermione said. Then they both just stopped talking. Regulus slowly started walking towards the lake where Hermione was walking towards in the first place. Hermione decided to just follow him instead of asking any other questions. 

'I have a plan.' Regulus said, confident as always. 

'Do i have to be afraid or excited?' Hermione laughed.

'Both i guess...' Regulus said, facing her. 

'Go on then. I want to know.' She laughs.

Regulus stared into her eyes, his arrogant smile had become a happy one and his cheeks had a warm glow on them. Hermione smiled.

'Your eyes are very pretty.' He says.

Hermione felt her heart skip a beat. Did Regulus Black really just tell her that her eyes were pretty? 

'Thanks... Yours a-' But she couldn't finish that sentence because she found her own body pressed against his.

Their lips met and Hermione just forgot everything for a moment. 

She couldn't have imagined it any better....

LOST TIME ~ H. Granger and R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now