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When the girls finally went to sleep Hermione lay awake. She listened to Marlene's deep breaths and tried to fall asleep. She kept thinking about Harry and Ron. They are not even born yet. Maybe it is time to go back. Back to where she really belonged. She sat up straight and walked over to the window. She opened the windo and she looked outside. It was hard to see something. The sky was very dark and the moon was not there tonight. She could see a tree and a little bit of what looked like the Lake. She took some deep breaths. It was cold outside and the soft rain fell on Hermione's face. It was so eird to be here. In a time she did not belong. It was not a huge difference but still, she missed her friends. Hermione closed the window and went back to her bed. She grabbed her book from the little night table next to her bed. 'Lumos.' She whispered. A light appeared at the top of Hermione's wand. She opened her book and read it. It was the book Mary gave her. She read for hours without getting tired. 

Cady smiled, not sure what else to do. She looked at the floor and saw something that looked like a crystal laying on the floor. 'I hope you learned from this Cady. Don't mess with magic again.' Her mother said. When she left the room Cady grabbed the crystal. It was green and looked beautiful. 'It feels like i saw this al ready. It looks like a horcrux.' She said.

Hermione's mouth fell open. A horcrux? How was that possible? How did Mary find this book? Hermione read nearly all the books in the Hogwarts Library how was it possible that she could read this book. She forgot about the horcruxes. Harry found one some weeks ago. Well, that was what the tought. It was not one. It was a fake on, with a short letter written by someone named RAB. They would never know if RAB destroyed the horcrux. He was probably dead, that was what he wrote in the letter. And there are a lot of people that could have the name RAB. Maybe it asn't even a name and it was just a name for a group. Before Dumbledore died he told harry that he got to find the horcruxes and that he had to try to destroy them.

If that worked out he could kill Voldemort. then there wasn't going to be a war. She stood up and grabbed her cloak. It was time to go back. She grabbed her wand and the book and left the room. She tried making no sound and she was happy when she left the girls dorm without waking them up. The fire was still on in the common room and there were still a few people awake. Hermione was not suprised when she saw James Potter, Siruis Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettegrew. Peter was clearly sleeping and Remus was laying down with his eyes closed but Hermione knew he was not sleeping because he was laughing at a stupid joke that James just made.

Hermione took a Breath. What was she supposed to say when they would ask her were she was going to? She could not just say: ' hi! I'm actually a time traveller and i'm actually not even born yet and now i'm going back in future to see James his son, who is my best friend! Also watch out, because a mad wizard will kill you and Lily Evans. That's it! Bye!'

Then they would think she was on drugs or something. And that was not exactly the thing she wanted. She could say that she wanted to go on a walk because she could not sleep. That was not even a lie because she was going on a walk actually, she was just not coming back. She walked into the  common room and Siruis Black and James Potter looked at her. 'Hi! Granger? What's up? You good?' Siruis Black said. hermione smiled. 'Yes! I'm fine! I'm just going on a walk.' She said. 'It's like 3pm! Why the bloody hell are you going on a walk at 3pm?' james said. Remus Lupin opened his eyes and stared at Hermione. 'Uhmm... just i can't sleep.' Hermione said.

'Same actually. But it is because this two annoying kids can't shut up about girls and stuff!' Remus said, sounding sleepy and annoying. 'WE WERE NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT GIRLS?' Siruis Black yelled. 'Calm down mate! But it's true I was talking about girls. Well, only one girl actually but still. Evans is a girl... Siruis was talking about girls and gays!' James said and he laughed. Remus his eyes opened again. And Siruis looked shocked. 'Oh my-'

'Are you gay?' Hermione asked, a little bit scared of sounding mean.
'Yes. No. Actually, i don't know. Maybe i am... it is just...'
'That's so cool! Just like Marlene...'
'What?' James said. Clearly confused.
'She told me.' Hermione said.
'That she likes girls?' Siruis asks.

No one said something for a second pr something. 'Honestly same.' Remus said. 'What?' James asked. 'I'm gay too.' Remus said, now actually standing up. 'Maybe it is time to tell them...' Remus said to Siruis. Siruis looked at him and also stood up. The two walked closer to each other. Hermione's mouth fell open.

They kissed. James started clapping and Hermione joined him. 'I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!' James started screaming. A few minuted later all the girls that sleep in Hermione's dorm stood next to her.

LOST TIME ~ H. Granger and R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now