21. the Death Eaters

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When they walked back inside Hermione felt her heart beating in he throat. She knew that at least once she would have to meet Voldemort if she wanted to stay undercover in this all. When Narcissa walked trough the door Regulus pulled her aside.

'I didn't knew he was coming her today.' He said, half panicking.

'I know you didn't, it's okay.' Hermione looked away. 

'Remember what i told you. Tell them your name... Well, them them your name is Valerie and your pureblood. That's all they want to know... God, i really feel sorry for you.' He let go of her shoulders and looked away. 'Go.' 

Hermione opened the door, holding her breath. She looked back at Regulus right before going entering the room. He nodded and so she moved on. The guest were now sitting on a long table, chatting with each other like everything was going perfectly fine. The heads turned when they saw Hermione and Regulus entering. Hermione saw Narcissa sitting next to Lucius Malfoy, who was looking rather absent from the gathering. At the end of the table, there was an empty chair. Rather looking like a throne is Hermione's eyes. 

Regulus his mother stood up as soon as she saw them and pointed at the seats next to her. Hermione walked over there and watched Regulus as he took place next to his mother. Hermione sat down next to him, happy to be sitting next to Draco's mum. She seemed rather nice, even though that was a weird thing to think about the boy who had bullied her trough her years at Hogwarts. But to be honest, it could've been worse. Narcissa was nervous and was playing around with her hair. 

'So, Valerie was it right? Could you tell me something more about your family?' 

Hermione forced a smile and looked over at Regulus his mum. 

'Her parents still live in France.' Regulus said, trying to save her from talking. 

'I think this lovely girl can talk herself Regulus, or can't she?' She looked at Hermione. As if she had to prove herself she opened her mouth to say something.

'yes, i can talk...' 

'Well tell me. What is your family?'

'I'm an only child. My parents come from a pureblood family and they find school very important.'

She said what she should've said. She looked at Regulus, but he was looking at the other side of the room, but it looked as though he wasn't in this room. Walburga looked at her, her mouth curling a little bit upwards hearing that.

'Really? Well, that's great. How old are you?' 

'Sixteen. Turning seventeen in September...' 

'Oh, so you two are the same age?' Regulus looked up, being waken up by the words of his mother. 

'I'm older. A year.' Regulus answered, his voice sounded weird. Hermione forgot that she'd always told everyone that she al ready was seventeen. It made her feel very young. She was two years younger then the Marauders too... 

'Perfect! Could i meet your parents one day? You seem like a nice, young lady for my son!' Hermione raised her eyebrows, looking over at Regulus who also looked surprised. 'Mother? What? We are just friends?' THis was not the conversation Hermione wanted to have. Imagine her having to marry Regulus Black and live as a Muggleborn in the Black family...

'If you are "only friends" then why did you invite her here Regulus? There must be a reason? Or is she here for... him?' 

'No ,she isn't here for him at all!' 

'Then why-'

'She's my girlfriend...'

Regulus had just said it. He called her his girlfriend. Hermione's heart was beating only faster as Regulus took her hand and held it in the air. 


They got their hands down but Regulus didn't let go. 'Oh, how perfect! Then we can plan the  wedding in september right? After she turns 17?' 

'we can't...' Regulus said, looking down.

'What did you jut say? Are you going to let me down Regulus?' Walburga picked up her wand and Regulus flinched. 

'No mother...'

'I will marry her...'

At that moment the door opened and a man stepped in. Voldemort. Looking more human then how Harry had described him. His hair was black and so were the clothes he was wearing. Silence filled the room and no one said something. Everyone turned around when he entered and Hermione held her breath. She would want to be anywhere but here right now.

Voldemort took his time to sit down at the front of the table, while scanning the guests, including Hermione. 'Ah. Who do we have here?' He said, clearly looking at her direction. Regulus slowly looked at her and saw how uncomfortable she was. 'Valerie, sir. She is my girlfriend and willing to support you.' He said. Hermione knew that he didn't mean it but it still sounded pretty intimidating. A small smile appeared on Voldemort's face. 'So you want to join us?' His voice was cold and it made her shiver. Knowing she had to play along she answered: 'Yes sir.' 

'Good.  Well. If you do join us. What kind of information could you give us? Why would we want you on our side in this upcoming war?' 

Hermione's brain was working harder then ever. She was trying to remain calm, but it was hard with everyone staring at her. 'She goes to Hogwarts Sir. She could deliver information from there.' Regulus said. Thankfull that he answered in her place hermione calmed down a little bit more.

'Hmm, good. That indeed could be pretty useful... but are you sure that we can trust you? ' 

'Yes. I will do anything i can to help and serve you.' Her words made Hermione feel disguisting. But what else could she do. They were hoping to get more information on the horcruxes but then this happened instead? 

After that, luckily the attention went back to the rest of the group. They started talking about war, that they were planning to start next week, by calling as many muggleborns and muggles as they could. As soon as the meeting was over Regulus ran out of the room, still holding her hand. 'We have to leave. Now! If he finds you... he will... the dark mark... Come on we're leaving.' 

Regulus opened the door and started running, knowing they could not apparate when they were still in the garden. They ran and kept running untill they were too out of breath. They both stopped way too tired to talk, but Regulus kept on walking. Trying to get away as far as possible. 

'Hermione. We can't go home. Not now. My parents will get home and i don't want to get you in a dangerous situation.' Regulus was freaking out. 'Where will we go then?' 


LOST TIME ~ H. Granger and R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now