12. Pandora

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'Hi Mione, are you coming with us? We are about to have dinner.' Lily said, smiling brightly. Hermione smiled. 'Yeah , sure.' She said. 'Marls and Dorcas are already downstairs i think.' Hermione says, when coming back to the Gryffindor coming room she had seen them there. 'Ow okay! Well let's go then.' Lily said. While walking down Lily told her in detail how James Potter killed Quidditch practise that afternoon. Hermione had to laugh when she thought of that. 'You are not in love are you?' Hermione joked. Lily blushed and started walking a little bit faster. 'No. I don't.' She says. But her eyes betrayed her and told a whole different story. Hermione laughs and so does Lily. 

'What's so funny over here Evans.' James Potter appears out of nowhere. 'Lily told me a really funny story.' Hermione said. Lily started blushing again, still smiling. Hermione could see what James saw in her. Lily was so pretty and her hair shined in the sun light, and then her beautiful dark green eyes. Hermione looked at James, who was to busy looking at Lily like she was the sun. It was way too cute. When they entered the Great hall were they found Dorcas, Marlene, Alice and Frank Hermione sat down next to Marlene. 'Where's Mary?' Alice asked. 'Probably hooking up with that one slytherin boy. What is his name again?' Siruis said, loud and like always over dramatic. 'I don't know! Ask your brother!' Alice laughed. Hermione looked up and Siruis noticed that.

'Fuck off Granger. ' He grinned. Hermione looked away, smiling. She looked over at Dorcas and Marlene. Dorcas was smoking a cigarette and Marlene was resting on her lap. It was cute to see. Hermione let her eyes run over the people in the Great hall.  she  was sure she wouldn't  recognize someone was small but was possible. She rested her eyes while looking at The Hufflepuff table. There was a short girl with curly long, blond , curly hair. She made her think of Luna Lovegood. She was busy reading a book while laughing at something the girl next to her said. She looked nice. Maybe she could go over and try talk to her after dinner. Because maybe she was family of Luna. Small change but it wasn't unpossible. 

Even though it had been a busy day Hermione wasn't really hungry, she was just very tired. James and Siruis were loud as always and were in a fire argument with Lily and Alice. 

'Even if Mary did like a Slytherin then you have NO RIGHT to tell her it is wrong just because he was sorted into slytherin when he was eleven!' Alice said; even though it was closer to yelling. 

'I have a good reason to hate Slytherin!' Sirius said. 

'Not everything is about you Sirius.' Marlene said.

'Mckinnon, shut up.' 

'Why? It's not like i did something wrong. And don't you dare say that i disrespected you becasue i know damn well how shit your home situation is and that that is a big part of you hating Slytherins. But hey, not every Slytherin is like your parents okay.'

 Hermione saw a smile appear on Sirius his face. He couldn't say anything back to that.  She didn't knew a lot about Marlene but she knew that she was a ragging femininst and not afraid to speak her mind.

When they all cooled down a little bit Peter started talking about school stuff. Hermione just listened and sometimes answered when they asked her something.When dinner ended and they all went up downstairs Hermione said that she was going to check something in the library. Actually, she just stayed behind so that she could talk to the girl with the beautiful hair. She actually was getting a little bit nervous, like she always was before talking to someone. She could've used this time to study, she thought. She took a deep breath and walked over to the nearly empty Hufflepuff where the girl was still reading. She stopped when she stood next before her. She ticked her shoulder and the girl turned around. She was even more pretty then she was from a distance. A kind smiled appeared on her face. 'Uhm, helle, i'm Hermione.' Hermione said.  

'Hi Hermione! i'm Pandora.' Her name was pandora, now Hermione was quite sure that she was Luna's mother. 'That's a beautiful name.' Hermione said, smiling. 'Thank you! My mum thought the same. She wanted a name with meaning.' Pandora said. 'That's cool.' Hermione said. 'My mum and my dad are both muggles so my name isn't very special at all.' 'I do think that every name has a special meaning. Just like every person has different personality traits. ' She says. Yes, this clearly was Luna's mother.

'Sit down!' Pandora asked kindly, closing her book. Hermione sat down next to her and they had an interesting conversation. Hermione loved the positivity around her. Nearly everyone was gone already except some very loud Slytherins. When the Slytherins left the room Hermione saw Regulus telling them he had forgot something and that he was going back. After double checking that they really left he came over to Pandora and Hermione, the only people still in the Great Hall. 'I see you already met Pandora.' Regulus said, smiling a little bit. 'You two know each other?' Hermione asked. 'Regulus is my best friend. No one knows that but we meet up as much as we can, most of the time in the night.' Pandora says. Regulus looks away. 'That's... nice.' Hermione says, looking for the right words. It's not that she was jeaulous or something like that.

Well, maybe a little bit. BUt it was hard not liking her for that reason because she was the kindest girl she had ever meet in some years. 'Maybe we should tell Pandora.' Regulus said. He looked at Hermione, staring once again into her eyes. 'Uhm... Regulus i don't know.' She says, looking down feeling ashamed of herself for wanting to keep it a secret.

'Why?' Regulus says, sounding angry. 'I already told you! We can't mess with this. If one thing goes wrong...' Hermione says. She doesn't even want to think about it. If only the smallest thing goes wrong the future won't be the same anymore. 

'What would happen?' Pandora asked. 'Can i talk to you in private for a minute please.' Hermione whispered. Regulus raises his eyebrows. 'Why in private? Pandora won't tell anyone!' He says. He stands up again, so does Hermione. 'Messing with the Future is dangerous. You know what the problem is? If i mess this up you all will die in less then 5 years.' Hermione yells. 

'What? ... Why didn't you tell me that Mione?!! Listen, i trusted and believed you and all you did was lie?' He yelled. Hermione hated seeing him like this. 'I'm sorry...' Hermione whispered. 

'I gave you a new change and you fucked it up.' He says. He storms out of the Great hall and Hermione tries not to cry. But fails. There she is.

Crying while Pandora is softly rubbing her back. 'I'm sorry Pandora. I'm so sorry...' She says. 

'Don't worry. Sometimes he just reacts like that. He will calm down.' She whispered.

Maybe she just had to go back instead of messing with the time.

LOST TIME ~ H. Granger and R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now