8. Potion class

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Hermione had it still cold from the rain outside. In fact, she was freezing. Classes start in 5 minutes and she really did not want to miss Potions. She was really interested in how different the lesson would be. There was no time to go back to the common room to change clothes. She started running. She hoped that the Potion classes were still at the same place.  Probably not. She was running so hard that she didn't saw Marlene Mckinnon coming her way. 'Hermione!' She yelled. Hermione fell and her head was hurting. Marlene was the first to stand up again. 

'Are you okay Mione?' Marlene said. 
'Uhm, yes i guess?'
'You don't look that good. Where have you been? We were looking for you!'

'I was just walking around for a little bit.'


Hermione really did not care about how she looked right now the only thing she wanted to know was that her head was okay!

'I'm sorry that i'm so loud... are you okay?' Marlene said and she sat down next to Hermione. 'My head hurts but i'm fine...' they said nothing and they just sat there for some minutes. 'You really like him don't you?' Marlene said. 'Like who?' Hermione said, confused.

Marlene smiled. 'Regulus.'
'No, i don't! Why does everyone thinks that? Because i stared at him?'
'No because you know... you are wearing a Slytherin  jumper.' Marlene said. Her voice was different. Different then what it normal was. Hermione looked down and saw that she really was still wearing a Slytherin jumper and it was Regulus Black his jumper. Hermione bit her lip. 'I don't like him. We are friends. ' she said.

Marlene wasn't listening she was staring outside. 'Are you okay Marlene?'
'Yes! I was just... thinking.'
'About what? You don't need to tell me if you don't want to ofcourse...'

Marlene looked at her. Hermione smiled. 'I liked him. He was my best friend. We did everything together. And i really liked him. I dreamed about him and i never really forgot about him... i don't like him anymore but seeing him this close with you made my heart hurt. It's not your fault of course! And we stopped talking a while ago so it's fine...'

Hermione's mouth fell open. 'But i'm happier then ever now with Dorcas! She is my everything! But it still feels weird... '
'Why did you stop talking to him?'
'It just happened.' Hermione nodded. 'But now, do you love him?'

'I don't know...'
'You can tell me!'
'I really don't know if i could ever be able to love a slytherin... i know it's only a house but it scares me. '
'Why do you hate slytherins?'
'Because i got bull- i mean i just... reputation...' she said. She nearly told him about Malfoy and his silly friends. She couldn't do that of course.

'I know what you mean. It is okay, whatever you feel." Marlene smiled. 'Maybe we should go to Potions!' 'Yea... maybe.' Hermione said. 'If your head is okay of course!' 'Don't worry i'm fine, i guess...' but when Hermione stood up the world started moving. 'Yeah  your so not okay! You should have told me!  we are going to the hospital wing RIGHT NOW!' 'No, it's okay...' Marlene took her hand and started running. Hermione smiled. She didn't care about her head taht was hurting, she was happy to be with Marlene Mckinnon. Harry told her about Marlene once. Then she remember that she would die too. If it was 1979 that means that... one year. How could she lose these amazing  people. She had to save them. She knew that that was nearly impossible but still. she would do anything to save Marlene, Regulus and all the others. There was no other way ...

Minutes later they stopped by the hospital wing. Hermione saw Madame Pomfrey running her way. Tears appeared in her face. She wwashappy to see someone that she could remeber from home. Yes, it was amazing here but she missed how life was. She missed Harry and Ron. She knew that she could go back whenever she liked but she could not leave all these people behind...

Madame Pomfrey looked a lot younger. She was around 20 here. She  smiles at her. 'What is wrong young ladies?' Madame Pomfrey said while smiling. 'We had a little accident and now Hermione's head is hurting.' Marlene explained. 'Wait then you are Hermione? Are you new here sweetie?' Madame Pomfrey asked.
'Yes, i am.' Hermione said, still looking at Madame Pomfrey. 'Sit down on that  bed and i will look at your head.' Madame Pomfrey walked away and Marlene and Hermione walked to the bed. 'Oh no! Now i'm  missing potions...' Hermione said. 'And? Potions is BORING! You are not missing anything!' Madame Pomfrey came back and looked at Hermione's head. Marlene was looking out of the window. 'Hmm, well. There's nothing wrong but i can give you something to solve the pain! Maybe that will help. You better stay her for a day or so. Just to make sure that your brain isn't damaged.' Madame Pomfrey said. Hermione nodded. 'Can i stay with her?' Marlene said with a very calm voice. 'I would love to say yes Marlene but you really can't miss another lesson. You know what Mcgonagall told you.'

Marlene sighed. 'I know. But i can't leave her her on her own!' She sounded very dramatic. Hermione  did not really care, some extra sleep she could use well. 'I think Hermione wants some rest. ' Madame Pomfrey said. 'Okay then. Well, see you soon Hermione...' Marlene said after rolling with  her eyes. 'I saw that Marlene!' Madame Pomfrey said. Marlene left and Madame Pomfrey gave Hermione something to calm her headache. 'Now try to sleem for a while. It will make you feel better.' She said. Hermione smiled. 'Thank you Madame Pomfrey.' She said. Madame Pomfrey smiled and left her alone then.

Hermione closed her eyes and she fell asleep.

LOST TIME ~ H. Granger and R. BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin