Tour was going smoothly and it felt like repeating days up until we were in London.

Ross and I were pretty good at keeping our distance from one another when out in public. Except I have always dreamed of going to London, a desire to go since I was a child. He knew this.

With that being said, he wanted it to be special. He got us a fancy restaurant reservation on our night off so we dressed in our best clothes and ate the best food London had to offer. Topping off the night with one too many glasses of wine, we walked out of the restaurant giggly and touchy, his hand intertwined with mine while my other hand grasped his arm.

"Now one more surprise for you, babe. Want to go to the London Eye? See a birds eye view of the city?" He asks, a smile present on his warm face.

I nod excitedly. Such a tourist thing to do, but that's exactly what we were and we would fit in well with our excitement to overlook a bustling city.

"Yes, I'd love nothing more," I reply, leaning up in my heels to push my lips against his.

And that's when we heard it.

The camera clicked and Ross immediately pulled away, shielding my face with his hand. "Are you serious?" He groans, staring the man straight in the eyes who has the obnoxious paparazzi camera in his hand.

The man continues to click away, Ross curling my body into his as we walk toward the car. He opens the back door for me and I immediately slide in, waiting for him to join me.

Thankfully there were only two of them by the time the Uber scurried away, heading toward the new location.

"You okay?" He asks, immediately looking down at me and pushing a piece of hair out of my face.

I nod. "Yes, are you? Are you going to get in trouble?"

Ross shakes his head. "I don't care, babe. I'm done hiding us from the world. It's been months since that breakup, I'm not waiting for permission to kiss my girlfriend in public. I was waiting for this to happen one day, it was bound to."

I nod. "Okay. If you're comfortable with it coming out like that, then I'm comfortable with it, too."

He smiles and kisses me again, the soft hum of the radio taking over the car. "I'm excited to hold your hand," he tells me, smiling.

And that's exactly what he did when we got out. He slid out of the seat, thanked the driver and extended his hand out to me. I gratefully slid my fingers between his and stood, keeping our hands intertwined as we make our way through the crowds to get to the booth.

We waited in the cold lines, my body huddled up against his as we awaited our turn. It was busy today, a typical Friday night in the middle of the late Fall.

We finally got into our bubble, the door sliding shut and the two of us sitting across from one another in the big space.

My eyes are kept on the windows, taking in the beautiful buildings.

"I've always dreamt of coming here. I was scared I would have something like the Paris Syndrome, but instead it'd be London and I would be disappointed because the city wasn't as great as I had hoped. But I don't. I love it here and I love the vibes, the accents, the people, the history," I ramble, my eyes shifting to focus on the Thames River and the boats moving slowly along it.

Ross speaks. "We could move here, settle down at some point. We can live out your dreams here," he tells me.

"You'd want to move to London?" I ask, glancing quickly to meet eyes with him.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now