Chapter 19

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Welcome to Chapter 19 - yep your eyes are showing you the truth, you are being treated to a double update tonight - I was in a writing mood so thought why not - I am going to dive straight to the story as this is an extra long one - enjoy!!!

We all decided to take a quick leg stretch and drink before continuing, I decided to take this time to check on Derek, he has been getting more and more quite as the memories are been shown. As I sit down next to him, he doesn't even look towards me, he just remains focused on the wall directly in front of him.

"Derek, are you okay? You haven't really spoken much about anything." I state trying to break him out of whatever trance he seems to have got himself stuck in.

"Did we fail him? As an Alpha and former Alpha of our Pack, did we fail to protect him or prepare him for this?" Derek speaks his voice short but raspy as though he is trying to control himself from breaking down right there on the spot.

"No one could have prepared him for what has happened, I don't think even we were prepared for what we have seen so far. This is not Supernatural Derek, there is no limits to the evilness that can exist within a Human." I explain trying to loosen some of the guilt he is feeling, I know how he feels as I am feeling it myself also.

"Then why can't I shake this feeling like I have let him down somehow, he is like a little brother to me. Why wasn't I there to protect him, Scott?" Derek questions as the tears he had been holding in start to coat his face, getting faster and faster but he makes no attempt to remove them.

"Listen to me, you have not let him down. None of us could have predicted this happening, he vanished in the middle of the night from one of the safest places possible. Derek, this is not your fault. Yes, you have not always been the best Alpha but look at who you were to who you are now." I advise getting up from my seat and moving to where I am now leaning down in front of him, making him break his stare with the wall and look at me.

"I just miss him so much!" Derek advises before leaning forward and fully breaking down crying into my shoulder, I gently rub circles into his back as I feel my own tears forming as I comfort him.

"Finally he lets it out, if he held that in any longer he was going to burst." Peter states before me and Derek break apart, both of us quickly wiping away any remaining tear stains or tears from our faces.

"Shut up Peter!!" Derek and I say together causing Peter to stick out his tongue like a child, I smile after this before noticing that the room had grown quite while me and Derek had been talking and remain so during our exchange with Peter.

"Don't be such a Sourwolf!" Peter states and instantly I knew he had said the wrong thing, Derek dives past me and grabs Peter by the neck and slams him roughly into the floor.

"No one but Stiles can call me that!" Derek snarls gripping Peter's neck tightly before slamming his head into the floor for good measure before standing up and walking back to his seat like nothing had just happened.

"Remind me later to never get on his bad side." Frypan states breaking the silence in the room, I send him a grateful smile as the comment seems to calm everyone back down.

Now we have had a chance to digest this information, shall we proceed?

"Yes please, I am very curious to see what happens next." Malia states into the air, answering for everyone present in the room.

Very well, we continue from where we left off with Thomas having thrown the bomb and Jorge saving the day. This may not be easy for all to witness but please bear with me.

(A/N Sorry the first few seconds repeat themselves from the previous clip)

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