Chapter 3

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Welcome to Chapter 3 - thank you everyone for all the votes and reads so far on this story - here is more drama incoming, as per normal sorry if no videos work but this chapter you should be able to work out what it shows!

As I take my seat I notice a look of pride appearing on Mum's face with Dad and Sheriff beaming with pride also, I feel kinda awkward at this as I am only doing the right thing.

"Why are you all staring at me like that for?" I ask as I take my seat still feeling the eyes burning into the back of my neck.

"Stiles would be proud of you right now. You really are the True Alpha!" Derek states and I can see he means every word, I didn't do anything different to what I would do normally.

Well now that sweet moment is over, let's continue shall we. So a tradition with the Glade is that each new member or what the Gladers call Greenies are given a brief tour and introduction which includes the grounds rules of the Glade by the leader. On Stiles's arrival that was a young man called Alby.

"Right now before we see anymore I am going to guess that Stiles didn't follow them rules. Also did anyone catch the look between Newt and Stiles at the end." Sheriff states as the video ends and I noticed what he had meant between Stiles and Newt, it was a look I sometimes share with Derek or Liam.

(A/N Aww Newtmas ❤️!!)

"I noticed that also, I also wonder who Chuck is?" I ask realising that is three people we have seen or hear about that are not currently present here.

"Newt and Thomas were the closest of anyone in there, they had this connection like they had known each other for years, the others kept calling us the three amigos. In relation to Chuck, he was the first real friend Thomas made when he arrived, he was like a little brother to us all." Minho advises smiling sadly as he speaks and it is the first real time his strong exterior has waived.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to them? I can sense the sadness coming from you all at the sight of Alby, Newt and Chuck in the memories." Derek asks the group cautiously as I can sense the same thing also.

"Alby was killed shortly before we left the Glade protecting us all, Chuck died saving Thomas's life and Newt was infected by the flare, we don't really no fully what happened. We found him with a knife in his chest." Gally advises and I could sense the guilt radiating off him when he was explaining how Chuck died but I decided to let it go for now.

"I'm sorry for your losses!" Mum states towards the group who just nodded their head in appreciation at what she had said.

Now shortly after Stiles arrival in the Maze, Stiles was introduced to Chuck. As you can guess Stiles got more curious about his surroundings so headed towards the entrance of the Maze where he met Minho for the first time.

"Wow stone face there Minho!" Peter jokes earning a glare of said person as he speaks causing him to quickly stop talking.

Now the main rule of the Glade, is that under no circumstances you must not go outside the walls, the Maze surrounding it is not a safe place for anyone to be, especially at night time. The only way out of the Glade is to find the exit through the Maze, Stiles been his curious old self got a bit too close.

"Oh that don't look good, I didn't realise how far back I had thrown him. I'm sorry!" Gally quickly states towards us as though scared we were about to go mad at him.

"No apology required, you saved my Son from danger even if it was through a hard shove." Sheriff states and the relief is evident on Gally's face, something about him still isn't sitting right with me.

"WAKE UP STILES! WAKE UP!!!" Stiles's voice screams out around the room, as I jump to my feet wondering where it was coming from.

Sorry about that, we seem to have entered the wrong memory section then. Everyone can sit back down now, he is perfectly fine still.

"Are you sure he is okay? He didn't sound alright then." I state not moving from where I was currently stood, for the first time doubt is entering me whether I should trust this person or not.

Everything if okay Scott, as I said it was just a minor error where we had entered the wrong memory section. That is all!

I take my seat again with the others but I can feel like something has changed, why did she say the wrong memory section? How was she even showing all these memories anyway?

"Scott, did you notice that also? She said memory section instead of file!" Lydia whispers in my ear and a heavy weight drops in my stomach.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but before you show the next memories are we okay just to check on Stiles please?" I ask hoping my gut feeling just this once is wrong but when has it ever been recently.

I'm sorry but he is unavailable currently as he is........

"Get out of here now, it's a trap! It's WC" Stiles voice rips around the room again before suddenly breaking off as the sound of locks clicking echo around the room.

Sorry about that, just a small technical issue then. Are we all ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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