Chapter 5

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Welcome to Chapter 5 - thank you everyone for all the votes, reads and comments - going to dive right in, sorry if any videos don't work but the main part you should understand what is been shown - enjoy!!

Seeing the moving picture of Stiles saying he is not a hero floating on the screen made me want to go find him more but I needed to trust what Minho had said about biding my time and just keep hoping that Stiles can survive long enough for us to reach him

Hero is such a funny term as he hasn't always been the Hero has he Scott?

"That wasn't his fault! He was possessed and not in control of his actions." I snap back trying my hardest to keep calm but failing miserably.

"I'm sorry but what are you on about? What wasn't his fault? What happened?" Brenda asks sounding concerned at what she may be about to see or hear.

Let me show you!

As the video ended a silence filled the room, I will always hate seeing Stiles suffer in this way. I swore I would protect him and on this occasion I failed him and it almost cost him his life.

"KLUNK!" Frypan states after a few moments of silence as it seems to be sinking in what everyone has just witnessed.

"Maybe inappropriate to say given the circumstances, but dang he looked hot!" Brenda voice before she starts blushing furiously as though embarrassed that she just said that aloud.

I couldn't help but laugh at the reaction of the Gladers and Survivors I was worried about how they would react in seeing Stiles acting this way. I look at Lydia and see a sense of relief on her face at the reaction also but it is quickly replaced by confusion.

"Lydia, what is it?" I whisper to her not wanting the voice to hear our conversation, I have this feeling deep down that I shouldn't trust her.

"How are they getting all these memories of Stiles? I get some you can get from cameras but there are some where no cameras would have been around." Lydia whispers into my ear and I realise that she is right then a sudden thought hits me.

"The voice said they had accidently entered the wrong memory section, what if they are taking these directly from Stiles's memory?" I voice my concerns back to her as I needed to tell someone to make sure I am not going crazy.

"Oh my god, that's why they won't let us see him! What are we going to do?" Lydia answers back as tears stream down her face as Dad and Sheriff lean towards us to find out what is happening.

Sorry for the delay, we have managed to get the Maze details back so will proceed. Now as we all know with Stiles he has never been one to follow rules, on this occasion he broke the rules to save the lives of two of the Gladers who were about to be trapped inside the Maze.

"Wow that was a tight squeeze, I am just glad he didn't have a big breakfast!" Minho jokes as I look at him and then back at the screen and then back to him again.

"What happened? How come you were late back?" Lydia asks her voice breaking slightly from recently crying about the realisation we have just had.

"Alby, our leader when Thomas arrived was attacked by these creatures called Grievers. I ended up having to knock him out and tried to get him back to the Glade before the doors closed but as you can see I failed. If Thomas hadn't of ran in, me and Alby wouldn't have lived through the night." Minho explains and I can tell by the way he is talking that he was quite close with Alby.

"I'm sorry but I am finding it really hard to believe that our weak, defenceless Stiles is the reason you all survive that night. What are Grievers anyway?" Derek states and I look at him in disbelief that after everything we have already witnessed he still describes Stiles as weak and defenceless.

"Grievers are the creatures made to roam the Maze, they had these pincers that if you are injected with one it makes your memories return but you end up going crazy. They look like a giant slug with metal arms." Minho explains shuddering slightly as he gives a description of the creatures.

That is a pretty good description – it's time for you all to meet them and see how Thomas survived the night – this is not going to be for the faint hearted.

"Thank you for that, I am going to have nightmares for weeks, maybe even months now!" Mason states before bending over to be sick in a bucket sat on the floor next to him while Liam rubs his back.

"Dang, I never realised what he went through before I caught up with him again. I am not going to lie, I did think he was going to be squashed by the doors but somehow the Shank managed to get through the tiniest of gaps." Minho advises brushing the sweat of his brow that had gathered while we had watched the video.

"I remember been in the Glade during this time, Chuck was refusing to leave the doors as he had so much faith and hope that you all would make it back. Even through all the crashing and loud screeches he never gave up hope, heck he even camped out by the doors so he could be there when they reopened." Frypan advises smiling as he remembered that time as he looks towards Gally who seemed to shift uneasy at the sight of the screen.

"Gally, are you okay?" I ask him noticing the changes in his behaviour as he shuffles more as the screen changes once again.

"Yeah, it's just I gave him such a rough time when he got back. I never knew about any of this." Gally advises showing a softer side to him which seemed to surprise the others.

Before we close this chapter, shall we take a look at the grand return back to the Glade

(A/N sorry for the slight scene repeat. Couldn't find a video with just the return bit)

The sense of excitement and joy radiating of them all at the sight of Stiles, Minho and Alby was intense. He may not accept the title but right now the only word for him here is hero!

Are we all ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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