chapter thirteen.

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sunday was probably the longest day out of them all. george would get butterflies in his stomach thinking about the presentation, but they weren't good kind. george would get a rush of anxiety and regret even thinking about it. and it was really stressing him out

but alex and karl helped him out a lot. they texted him everyone few hours and made sure he was doing okay. they understood he needed space and the brunette really appreciated it.

at one point karl and alex sent a little gift box with some of his favorite candies, sour patch kids and peanut m&ms. along with a heated blanket. george literally couldn't ask for better friends.

still nothing from the blonde. does he even remember what happened? does he even acknowledge the fact he did what he did?

george was currently huddled up in his bed with the blankets covering him. this was what the whole weekend looked like basically. but thankfully he doesn't completely sob when he thinks of the situation, tear drops don't count.

there was a light knock coming fork his door. "come in." the door creaked open slightly and there appeared his mother. she seemed to be going somewhere since she was all dressed up. "hey honey. how you feeling?" george told some very vague details about what happened to his mother. "fine." georges voice was raspy and very quiet. "how long are you planning on being in here?"

the brunette shrugged, "well im going out with your father, please text me if you need anything." george let out a muffled 'mhm' in response. "love you." his mother placed up a pinky. george locked their pinkies together, the brunette smiled "always forever."

ever since he was little they had a tradition of doing this action. they don't know exactly how it started but it always carried on. even though it was a small gesture they both knew it showed a lot of affection.

she walked out leaving george in his room, bored out of his mind. he decided to productive today. well sorta. he got up and headed to his computer. there laid two monitors and a nice looking keyboard. george got it as a christmas gift a few years back.

opening it up, he headed to minecraft. it felt like forever since he played, when in reality it was last week. george decided to try to beat minecraft. he's done it before, but why not try it again?

he got into a new world with honestly a pretty good spawn. there was a village only a few blocks away so he decided to raid that first, better there was a blacksmith.

after only about twenty minutes george was heading off to the nether in almost full iron. but as soon as he got into the nether he fell in lava (lolz) "dammit." george whispered to himself. he still wanted to beat it though. so he got into a new world starting fresh. the spawn was okay but he decided to roll with it.

after about 35 minutes george went to the nether NOT dying this time. but he couldn't find the fortress. "god i hate the new update." he continued to look for a good five minutes before he actually found it.

getting all the blaze rods, he managed to get twelve! then he went back to the over world.

another ten minutes go down and george is at the stronghold. "jesus that took forever." he sighed and continued. quickly glancing over at the clock it read '11:34'. he really needed to hurry up.


the ender dragon was on a one shot but wasn't perching. he didn't have arrows for his bow so george patiently waited. the brunette FINALLY killed the ender dragon and got the achievement + ending scene. "LETS GO!"

the brunette powered off his computer and plugged in his phone. he was ready to go to bed, but not ready for what tomorrow's actions may bring.

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