chapter five.

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"what's up gogy!" karl screams as he enters the discord call. "hi karl. do you know when alex is coming?", "he said in a little bit." george nodded to himself and saw karl turning on his camera. "turn you're camera on dude. don't leave me hanging." the brunette smiled locating the camera button, leaving karl to see his face. "there ya go!"

after a few minutes of brief chatting alex suddenly joins. "WHATS UP!" george jumped from the sudden screaming. alex quickly took notice "LETSA GO!"

the three of them chatted and they all decided to play trio bedwars. "i'm op at bedwars guys." the brunette made sure to let everyone aware of that. "yeah sure george. do you want me to tell the story of the fireball?" the screen lit up with numbers counting down from five. indicating that the round was about to begin. "that doesn't count." everyone hurries and starts collecting the iron and gold from the spawner. "DUDE YELLOW IS COMING TO OUR BASE!" alex yells as he starts protecting the bed with wool.

"KARL GO YOU'RE JUST STANDING THERE!" karl starts heading for the three teammates heading for their bed. one jumped down and they started to pvp. karl somehow won on a remarking two hearts. "IM LOW HELP!" george starts laughing from karls desperate scream. george suddenly starts fighting two people and kills both. "alex im going to the base." now both 'quackity' and 'georgenotfound' head towards their base.

it was pretty intense for a 3v2 but george distracted them while alex got the bed. "LETS GO!" a reminder heads in chat that yellow team has been eliminated. their celebrations were cut short when a 'BED DESTROYED' label appeared on their screen. "karl what the hell! are you not at the base?!" alex starts running back to their now destroyed bed. "i was getting diamonds!" as the two start heading to their base gray team were ambushing them in diamond armor. "THEIR SO OP!" they all start fighting and eventually george and alex die. "it's all up to you karl."

karl collects more diamonds and then falls like an idiot off the edge of the bridge he made. karl lets out a scream that is a mix of a scream and a moan that catches both of them off guard. "nice one karl.", "thanks!"

all of a sudden george's phone starts vibrating on his desk. he flips the phone over to see a unknown number calling him. "one second guys someone's calling me." george turns off his camera and muted his mic.

now technically your not supposed to answer unknown numbers but george always answered them even if he knew they were a scam. the brunette clicks the green button, accepting the call.

"hello?" the brunette wasn't expecting a response, "hey george." the voice. it was a voice he knew all too well. "clay?" the person laughs on the other end, "that's my name." thoughts fill the brunette's head but the main question was... "how the hell did you get my number?!" the blonde takes a second the responde, "i have resources george." george rolls his eyes. even though clay couldn't see it, the motion was fully intended. "bullshit. where did you get my number? why do you have my number?!", "i already told you georg-"

"can you just tell me how you did so i can get this crap over with?" the blonde didn't hesitate to respond "y'know you're pretty cute when your mad george." you could hear the blonde's smirk through the phone. "it's just for the project george. mr. twat said we had to work together outside of school. i'm finally following the ruled for once and you don't approve." the brunette scoffs, "sure clay. so why do you want to work all of a sudden with me?", "because i actually enjoy the poem george. i enjoy the class too. and i swear to god if you tell any of you're dumbass friends i will beat you up."

"we both know you wouldn't even dare to pinch me." the blonde smiled, "wanna bet?"

"yeah actually i do. how much?" the blonde went quiet for a small moment. "alright alright you win georgie."

george smiled from his victory. "so george, when do you wanna work on our project?" the brunette didn't understand why clay was so interested in the class all of a sudden. it's unexpected especially coming from him. "um, what about friday?" the blonde sighed, "can't there is a massive party at nicks." the blonde rolled his eyes, "yeah of course, well what days are you free?"

"tomorrow." the brunette chocked, "tomorrow?" clay then quickly responded, "yeah. is that a problem george?"

the brunette shook his head, "um, no, not a problem at all.", "great! my place at seven. see you tomorrow pretty boy."

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