chapter three.

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thoughts go through georges head throughout the whole class. did he l-like clay? no. he can't have feeling for him. that's his bully for crying out loud. george decided to just forget about it, it can't be that bad. right?

"so, hopping right in the school year i have assigned a project!" the whole class erupts in grunts and sighs. george didn't though, what else did you expect?

"yeah yeah i get that you don't want it. but this is school so just deal with it, alright?" clay suddenly raises his hand. here we go.

"do you have a question, clay?" whenever the blonde raised his hand in literally any class, your never going to expect an actual question or answer. "yeah, um, what if i just don't show up?"

"good question. you'll fail, simple as that. moving on this project is a collaborative project." the teacher makes direct eye contact with clay, "if anyone doesn't know what collaborative means, its basically just partner work."

"our first topic is poetry. now, when i say poetry many people think of boring little stanzas. but trust me it's much much more. im going to be partnering you up with partners. im expecting you to work together, even outside of school."

the project didn't seem so bad to george. he's done things like this in literature. so what makes this any different?

"now! time for your partners. before anyone asks, im picking them. parters should be new so you can learn to communicate better! make some new friends!" the teacher grabs a clipboard, assuming it's all the partners he's picked out. "lets get started. we first have darryl and zak. then niki and floris."

he kept calling names until it was down to the final four. clay, tommy, and toby. the brunette was praying to the lord himself that he wouldn't be paired with clay. one, hes still trying to figure out his feelings for clay. second, he's actually quite stupid.

"now let's have....." time seemed to move so slow as george was out on the edge of his seat for the partners. "lets have george with clay and toby with tommy." george slouched back in his chair. great.

"aw look georgie! we're out together, it must be fate." the stupid smile clay always made george aggravated. it made him feel something different, but it wasn't anger. it was something...more.


time seemed to move so much slower after the 'big news'. eventually there was about twenty minutes left in class for the partners to receive their poems and communicate. mr. watts handed george and the blonde their poem and it seems like a pretty easy poem. it wasn't too long and it seemed pretty, actually. "so georgie, what do we do first?" georges voice trailed off, "just read it, i guess." clay let out a little chuckle and put his attention to the paper in front of them.

the meaning of love, krina shah
"To love is to share life together,
to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side,
and then smile with pride,
as one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise,
to take time to share,
to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special,
one on whom you can always depend
to be there through the years,
sharing laughter and tears,
as a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall,
of all the good things
that sharing life brings.
Love is the greatest of all.

I've learned the full meaning
of sharing and caring
and having my dreams all come true;
I've learned the full meaning
of being in love
by being and loving with."

the poem was beautiful to george. he never really enjoyed poetry too much but this was different to him.

"so, um what do you think about it?" the brunette gets out of his own thoughts. "boring as hell."


"well if you actually had the mindset to understand this, maybe, just maybe, you won't think it's boring." that's the first time george has really ever 'stood up' to clay. "what did you say?"

"n-nothing." the blonde laughed in response. "can we just work on this clay? the sooner we start the sooner it ends."

"aw you don't want to spend time with me? that hurt." george completely ignored the comment. "so, i think we should first annotate the poem, create the meaning, then present. sound good?" clay nodded. he probably didn't understand anything the brunette said but it wasn't on his mind in the moment.

young lies  - dreamnotfoundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang