chapter one.

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august 17th 2021

(george and clay are seventeen in highschool.)

it was the first day of junior year for the young brunette. he was never the what you would call 'popular' type in school, since he had just moved there a few years prior. george was originally from brighton, UK. but his parents decided to move to florida since his father got a new job. ever since he has arrived to his new school clay would never leave him alone.

clay. the typical popular 'party animal' jackass. from day one clay or who people call 'dream' made a special spot for george. not a passionate loving sweet spot, a more bullying type. but don't worry, it was never harmful bullying. more of just teasing.

it never bothered george too much though. he learned to get used to it and almost, enjoyed it? he's put the feeling aside but somehow seeing the jerk-like blondie always made his day slightly better. george tried to think what it was, but no luck. clay was a pain in the ass to george. end of story.

but a new school year means the same cycle would happen all over again. george would go to school, see clay, clay would be a dick per usual, mess with george a little, then end of the day. sounds like a living hell, but it somehow wasn't to the brunette. he survived last year, what will be so bad about this one?

beep beep

george was awoken from a annoying 'beep' echoing from his phone. he didn't get a lot of sleep. he never did before the first day of school. thoughts always ambush his head about what he's gonna wear, remembering his schedule, and figuring out where he's gonna sit at lunch.

as soon as george retrieves his phone he was met with a few of text messages from his best friend karl. karl was the first person george ever talked to when he moved. and he always helped the brunette with school. such as the worst teachers, how to handle a school party, and of clay of course.

george had to get his eyes adjusted from his phone light as he read through the few text messages he received from a few minutes earlier.

karl :]

dude wake upppp!

it's a new school year!!

meet me by your locker so we can figure out where were sitting at lunch :)



sorry i just woke up, but that sounds good.

read 7:43

the brunette got up out of his bed, getting a little dizzy from getting up too fast. he already had an outfit planned out from his many thoughts from last night. he went on a dark blue sweater that has a white collar. george paired it with jeans and black converse. he never usually dressed up for school, but for some odd reason clay came up on his mind. he never wanted to impress clay before, so why did he want to now?

grabbing his outfit, he walks over to his bathroom so he can take a quick shower. it was always a must in his morning routine, since like forever. the shower helped george wake up a little which always helped. stepping out the shower, he dries himself up and dresses himself.

taking one last glare in the mirror he was satisfied with his appearance and walked downstairs with his backpack along with his phone. his parents were never home in the morning so he wasn't surprised when he saw a note on the fridge door.

sorry i couldn't be home on your first day of school. i love you so much and have a great day! xoxo - mom

his dad never left him notes. but it's expected, he always was busy with work it was the whole reason they moved to florida.

the brunette didn't eat breakfast, he never did. everyone always says 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' but lunch always came around.

stepping in his car, george heads to school. another valuable part of his morning routine was listening to music on his way to school. apparently breakfast gave you energy, music always made up for that. soon enough george made his way into the school parking lot, there were already people crowding into the school and reuniting with some friends. the brunette parks his car in his signature spot, luckily nobody took it by now. he locks his car and heads into the hellhole.

as george walked to his locker to meet up with karl, he went over his schedule one last time. even though he already went over it last night, you would never be too sure.

soon enough george was met up with the brown haired boy waiting by his locker talking to somebody else.

let the day begin.

(783 words.)

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