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Betty's POV

"I love you." I said, and then I realised what I said and slapped my hand over my mouth. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that," I said. "Did you not mean what you said, or did you say it at the wrong time and wrong place?" He asked me calmly. "I, of course I mean what I said, I just didn't mean to say it right now , because it's way too early and you probably hate me right now and think I'm childish-," I ranted, but got interrupted by his lips on mine. I kissed back and then pulled away. "I love you too Betts," he said and I smiled at him. I laid back down and called my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Betty, I can't get a hold of your sister, I need to be somewhere, but I'm also babysitting the kids," mom said and I suppressed a sob.

"Mom, come to the Wyrm, now, and bring the twins."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Just do it."

"Okay bye."


I hang up and came to the realisation that I need to take care of my niece and nephew. "Jughead, you can back out now if you want," I said. "Now why would I do that?" He asked. "Because I'm a guardian of two toddlers now," I said and tears welled up in my eyes. "Even more of a reason for me to stay," he said, but I shook my head. "No jug, you should leave, have  someone without this much baggage," I said and I felt him kiss my head. "I'm not leaving Betty, you can try to push me away, but I'm staying, I mean, what kind of a selfish asshole would I be to leave you with the two kids of your dead sister," he said and I looked at him before burying my head in his chest. "Jug, do you ever want kids?" I asked. "When I'm older, yeah, why?" He asked. "My chances of getting pregnant are five procent, so my doctor advised me to think of other options, I can't give you children Jug," I said and I heard him sigh. "There are other options and I don't care love, you not being able to give me biological children is not a reason for me to back down, I love you and in the future we will find a way," he said and I kissed him. "I love you," I whispered against his lips. "I love you too," he whispered and pecked my lips twice. "Hon, we need to go, your mother is probably here," he said and I sighed. "It's gonna be okay, I'll be right by your side," he said and I nodded. We walked downstairs and I saw my mom sitting there, next to FP who was holding her hands, tears on her face and her eyes red. I then realised how crappy I felt. "Mom," I said and she looked up and stood up. For the first time I forgot about our issues, I ran towards her and fell in her arms. "Betty," she whispered and I burst into tears. "Mom, Polly she's-." "I know honey I know," she whispered.

*a half year later*

Jughead's POV

Okay so, quite a lot has happened. Betty and I solved the murder of her sister. Turns out it's an associate of the TBK, but we found him and served Polly justice. Betty had a rough time, especially being a mom of two now. It was hard to explain for her to the kids who are now orphans. Betty adopted them and has full custody over them so that is nice. Because of this however she stopped working at the FBI since it's dangerous and these poor children don't need to loose more parents. I help as much as I can, but Betty was closed off for the first few months, but we also worked through that. She's now an English high-school teacher in Riverdale, where we bought a house and decided to stay. I've published my book which turned out to be a huge succes, so I'm writing my second book. Juniper and Dagwood are doing great. At first it was hard for them both, but they started living their nine year old life's again. They are in fourth grade right now and are doing very well. "Jug," I heard and looked up. I saw Betty all beat up. "Love what the hell happened?" I asked standing up from my office chair cupping her face. Cuts scattered all over her face. "C'mon let's get you cleaned up," I said taking her hand. "Jug I'm fine I can do it myself, really," she said, but I shook my head and dragged her to the bathroom. "Sit," I instructed her and she sat on the sink. "Betty take of your shirt," I said and she raised an eyebrow. "Just do it Betts," I said and she nodded. I frowned when I saw the bruises on her abdomen. I softly touched them and she flinched. I got some alcohol on a cotton pad and started cleaning the cuts on her face. "You wanna tell me what happened?" I asked. "It was nothing, really," she answered and I looked at her straight in the eyes. "Hon, this isn't nothing, and honestly, I really want to beat the crap out of the person who hurt you," I said. "Just some Ghoulies who were bored, it's fine tho, you should see them," she said. "My beautiful strong high-school teaching girlfriend who is beating up assholes and acts like it's nothing," I said with a chuckle. When I was done I looked at Betty and she looked a bit tired. "Betts, are you sure that you are okay?" I asked her. "Betts." "Jughead," she whispered, her eyes getting droopy. "Betty, hey look at me," I said, cupping her face. "Betty, keep your eyes open for me," I said starting to panic. "I think my uterus is bleeding," she whispered and passed out.

Heyyy I hope you guys liked this part. Stay safe and healthy ❤️❤️❤️

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