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Jughead's POV

I was sitting in Liz's hospital room waiting for her to wake up when the door burst open and two  girls and a boy walked in. I quickly grabbed my gun and pointed it at them. "Dude what are you doing" the tall guy said. "This is an unconscious FBI agent, you really think I wouldn't hold my gun to you when you burst into her room. "Agent Jones I presume, I'm Veronica Lodge, I got called by the hospital, these are Betty's friends" she said and I looked confused. "This is not Betty, this is Lizabeth Smith" I said. "Oh yeah of course, she changed her name, I forgot" she said. "I know that she said to call you, so I trust that you won't hurt her" I said and lowered my gun. "Why do you care anyways, don't you two like, hate each other?" The guy asked. "Pea be nice, did you call FP, he will kill you if you didn't tell him about Betty, and after that JB will" Veronica said. "I'm sorry, FP and JB as in Forsythe Pendleton Jones junior and Jellybean Jones?" I asked. "How do you know them?" The girl with purple/pink hair asked.

"He's his son" we heard and I saw Lizabeth with her eyes open.

"B" "Betty" the two girls said at the same time. "I swear to god I'm gonna chop off that carrot's small dick, shove it up his ass and strangle him with my bare hands" the Latina said.

"Don't worry, he's on his deathbed right now" I said and they all looked at me. Lizabeth sat up slowly and sighed. "Carful Smith, you might injure your shoulder even more" I said and she rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine" she muttered, but then the door opened and a man and little girl walked in, my eyes widened.

They both stopped in their tracks and looked at me. "FP this is your son, Jughead, Jelly this is your brother, Jughead, this is your sister and father" Lizabeth said. "Damn it's like a triplet" the tall guy said. "Shut up Pea" the two girls said. "I would say that I'll leave you three alone, but I'm kinda stuck in my bed" Lizabeth said and I cleared my throat. "Agent Smith, I need to make a call to our boss, unfortunately I can't leave, because you're an FBI agent and I was with you" I said. "I don't enjoy your presence either Jones" I heard her say, but I already left.

I called our boss and when I walked in I saw my father and sister talking to Lizabeth. I walked in and heard my dad say: "I'll tell the serpents that their queen is okay, you do have to come again soon." "I will, but you know I'm only keeping Jelly's place warm for when she's old enough, I'm not blood related" she said. "I know, but you are my daughter, okay, family isn't only blood, it's love that makes a family a family" he said and I saw her wipe a tear away.

"I told our boss, he told me to tell you that you are back to filing cases" I said. "What that's bullshit, I'm fine, just because my arm is hurt, doesn't mean I can't do my work" she said getting worked up. "B, calm down, I'm sure that you'll work in the field soon again, you just need to heal first" the tall guy said and she huffed.

"Archie Andrews is dead, by the way" I said and I saw Lizabeth's eyes widen. "Have you told Fred and Mary Andrews?" She asked and I shook my head. "Betty, I'll tell Fred and Mary if that's okay, it's better if he hears it from me" FP said. "Why is that?" I asked and he looked at me. "I'm friends with Fred" he said. "Of course, but I couldn't know, since you left me with my sister" I said with a bitter tone. "Jughead don't do this here" he said and I rolled my eyes. "I don't think that agent Smith really cares, since she knows you already" I said. "I think it's best if we leave Jellybean, you can see Betty tomorrow if you want" FP said to my seventeen year old sister. "FP, I think it's the best if the two of you talk it out, I'll just listen to music and the others can leave, you need to do it someday, maybe he can take over if he wants to, he is royalty, I'm not" she said and I'm just utterly confused.

"If he wants to" FP said. "Oh he wants to" Lizabeth said and shot me a glare. "Fine" I growled. "Well B, we'll see you later" Veronica said and they all left. Now I have to talk to him while I didn't want to. Lizabeth slumped down and took some ear pieces in her ears. "You and Betty working together?" He asked trying to make conversation obviously. "Yeah, what is the deal with her name?" I asked. "Her real name is Elizabeth Cooper, so everyone calls her Betty, but, when she was eighteen she changed her name to Lizabeth Smith due to personal reasons" he said and I nodded. "So, why did you never look for me?" I asked him. "I wanted to Jug, I really did, but your mom didn't let me, and I was in a bad place" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I was a drunk, that's why your mom left and took you with her, why she didn't take your sister is another question, long story short, the lady over there sobered me up and took care of your sister for two years" he said and I raised my eyebrows. "Annoying goody two-shoes Smith sobered you up? How do you two know each other anyways?" I asked. "She's the leader of my gang" he said and I looked surprised. "You mean perfect girl next-door Smith is a gangleader and an FBI agent at the same time?" I asked pointing at her.

"I'm not perfect asshole" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"She's been leader since she was seventeen, keeping your sister's place warm" he said. "Damn" I muttered. "Anyway I was wondering if I could make it up to you son, I wanted to sooner, but your mom vanished with you and we couldn't find you" he said and I nodded. "Yeah that sounds like her" I said and he frowned. "And for the other part, I would like that" I said and he smiled. "B, you can take your earpieces out even tho you were still listening" JB yelled and Betty took them out. "Me, listening to a conversation I would've heard about anyways, no" she said mockingly. "I see your sarcasm hasn't left" my dad muttered. "Also Jughead, your mother is a piece of shit" she said and I raised my eyebrows. "Elizabeth Cooper" my dad scolded. "What, I said what I said, Gladys was a real piece of work to deal with before she went behind bars, besides I think that everyone agrees with me when I say that she's a bitch" she said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Betty, do you think that you can come to Riverdale for a few days to calm this at the Wyrm, TallBoy is causing trouble again" dad said. "FP, I know that he's an elder, but I am so close to dump his ass out of the gang, he won't let me do shit, because I'm not a Jones" she said. "Why don't you marry my brother, then you're a Jones" JB said and Betty and I stared at each other in disgust. "Ew" we both said. "Jellybean, I love you, but never suggest that ever again" Betty said.

Heyyyyyy this is part 2 of my new story, I hope that you guys like it. Stay safe and healthy ❤️❤️❤️

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